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Showing posts with label vedic astrology. Show all posts
Why is the thirty year return of Saturn sinister for some?
Saturn, the Vedic astrology says,
is a planet which makes human beings pay up for their past and present Karma
before they die. Keralite astrologers even believe that those who die on a
Saturday would have attained the end of the rebirth cycle, which the Hindus
believe is the route God has prescribed for living beings to attain salvation
and eternal peace.
Does the cyclical return of
Saturn after thirty years to its original position spell doom and gloom for at
least some people? Is that why exactly thirty years after her tragic assassination,
India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is mercilessly being assassinated again?
Isn't the attempt of the current
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to wipe out her name and her ultimate scarifies
for India, exactly on the thirtieth anniversary of her assassination, nothing less than
another assassination of her, thirty years after her death?
While he could have
chosen another day for that, he chose the thirtieth anniversary of her tragic death for inflicting the political blow. Is it due to celestial compulsions?
Narendra Modi called the anti Sikh riots of Delhi, which ensued the cold blooded murder of Indira
Gandhi to avenge her courage to put down the Sikh
separatist who wanted to divide India, as the deepest strike of a knife on
India’s unity.
His words are perhaps a deeper cut on the greatness of Indira Gandhi than those inflicted by hundreds of bullets shot by her own sikh body guards, which killed her.
His words are perhaps a deeper cut on the greatness of Indira Gandhi than those inflicted by hundreds of bullets shot by her own sikh body guards, which killed her.
It may be a mere coincidence that Indira was
assassinated on the birth day of Sardar Patel, but that the BJP and its leader
had to wait thirty years to unashamedly raise the greatness of Sardar Patel, who
died as a lifelong Congressman who really banned their party must have
something to do with the celestial movements.
The question is why didn’t that happen
earlier or later? Has it got something to do with Saturn, which is assumed to
change its position in the coming days?
One can argue that astrology doesn’t apply to dead souls. But Vedic
astrology indeed concedes that a human life span could be as long as 120 years.
If Indira Gandhi somehow survived the attempt on her life thirty years back and
were alive today, Narendra Modi will still try to obliterate her politically
by whatever he can shout to the crowds, It is not difficult for even a
school child to see that the state election for Punjab, in which BJP will contest
alone is not that far away.
Thankfully, Vedic astrology doesn’t
judge the Karma of human beings in isolation from the rest who will share the
good and bad of yours. It weights and blends yours with those of your spouse,
children, parents, close relations, dependants and friends.
For Rahul Gandhi at least, whose
Grant Mother was assassinated when Saturn occupied its loftiest position with
Burning Sun in company, in the house of Libra, thirty years back, the very same
planets have occupied Libra again to witness the second assassination of his
Grant Mother.
In fact Saturn was there for the
past two years which has seen the worst spell of fortune for the whole family. Undoubtedly
periods Saturn’s loftiest state is the worst time for the Gandhi family,
judging from the events in thirty years and the tragedies and political losses.
Even though Indira Gandhi died
during the dasa of Saturn, a period in life where you may have the severest of
set back and toils, Saturn’s wrath and graces were more or less balanced for
her. However the thirty year cyclical movement certainly meant disaster to
Indira Gandhi and her kith and kin every time it visited his position of high
strength, the house of Libra.
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Do the Character and the Events in the Life of Narendra Modi Validate Vedic Astrology?
There is at least one head of a political
party in India who demand that aspiring candidates for party seats during elections
approach her with their Vedic horoscopes in hand. Only the ones with the best
disposition of the stars and a winning streak are selected. This is a leader
who believes that she herself is destined to become the Prime Minister of
Such is the trust in Vedic
Astrology in the 21st century India
where the system is said to have originated and where even a mission to
Mars is undertaken only after ensuring heavenly blessings.
It is likely that, despite
opposition of different kinds and various degrees within his party, Narendra
Modi, a Guajarati by birth and an outsider to the Hindi speaking heartland of
the BJP, has really won the nomination based on his Vedic chart, which the BJP
leaders rooted in Hindutwa must have realised is their best ticket for power in
It is because, going by the
principles of Vedic Astrology, once the esoteric knowledge of an elite group of
seers, the Vedic Horoscope of Narendra Modi stand out as a certificate for its
veracity and authenticity.
That is, assuming some party
genius didn’t conceive and cast it to suit a Prime Ministerial candidate in the
first place and simply claimed that it
belongs to Narendra Modi.
Friday, May 02, 2014
Posted by Unknown
What do the Stars Foretell for Barack Obama?
Hey, this is the year of the US Presidential election, a time when the pundits are busy predicting the future for all of us. All sorts of political analysts and political pundits get busy predicting the results of the elections and the future of the candidates. With the evolution of the social web and technology, experts claim that there are much more scientific ways. The accuracy of many of those will surely be tested in this election to be held in under two months.
Then there are also traditional methods of fortune tellers one can dabble in, for a bit of private pleasure and excitement of your own. Barack Obama is running a tight race with his opponent Mitt Romney. The DNC has given his ratings a bump but the latest job data has taken some sheen. So what are the stars holding for him and the future of the United States of America?
Well, unbelievable it may be, President Obama is entering a phase of strongest support from his stars according to the Indian way of star gazing and judging one's future. It may even bestow a third term of Presidency and consequently a steady and prosperous period for the USA.
For Barack Obama, Saturn, according to the Indian calculations, offer maximum support during his life on the Earth. This is because Saturn is the "lord" of his ascendant "house" and bestows it with all strength, support and balance by also positioning in that house at the time of his birth. In fact Saturn gives him strength in at least four ways as per the Indian belief of stars being in control of your life and it's up and downs. Besides this Saturn bestows leadership and good fortune at least seven ways in conjunction with other planets. In fact Saturn is the planet with the highest strength among the entire lot, as per Vedic reckoning in eight ways.
So what is the guarantee that all these portend good times for Obama? Well if all of these have any bearing, it is the right time for them to manifest in his life. As per the Vedic principles, his life has just started a period of Saturn's influence, which should last for the next nineteen years. The logical conclusion is, how can a star, which is supposed to give him maximum support and benefits, take away position in life he has already achieved?
Let us say, for the sake of argument, all this is crap. But a look of the period of sixteen years in his life he just finished is quite compatible with what the Vedic astrology portended! Like Saturn, Jupiter also has strong influence in his life, occupying his ascendant house and bringing all round good fortune during his period. Obama's spectacular ascendancy in to influential position and relative affluence during the last decade, coincided with the period of influence of Jupiter, which he just finished in August, arguable but unbelievable as it can be!
Under the tenants of the Vedic astrology, Saturn is a Guru who removes arrogance, puts you through the real grind of life and bestows that vital balance and wisdom which makes your life meaningful. From the DNC speech of President Obama, it is clear that his most supportive planetary force is already flowing on to the persona of Barack Obama, preparing him for his next presidency.
"While I'm proud of what we've achieved together," Obama told the assembled in Charlotte, "I'm far more mindful of my own failings, knowing exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, 'I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go."
Perhaps, the unseen force is acting not just on the next president of the USA, but the world at large, with the breeze of the Arab Spring sweeping across the world, brining a whiff of a more equitable distribution of wealth and social justice, something the incumbents of the White House seem to be standing up for.
Article first published as What do the Stars Foretell for Barack Obama? on Technorati.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Posted by Unknown
Does Vedic Astrology Solve the Question on the Birth of President Barack Obama?
When faced with real issues in life astrology is only the last resort to many people. Yet for millions around the world, it is what gives hope and support to carry on from day to day. Astrology doesn't stand on firm grounds when questioned based on logic and hard scientific principles, but thanks to modern computing software, subjectivity of astrology pundits at least is removed.
It is quite easy for anyone to be an astrologer these days. All you need to do is to download and install a free piece ofsoftware written by Narasimha Rao, an ex software engineer from PictureTel Corporation and feed some basic information like a place, date and time of birth of a person in to it. If you have some basic understanding of the tenants of Vedic Astrology, it could really add to the fun.
So pondering on the question of the birth of Barack Obama, which has been a matter of controversy in the past and which is recently resurrected, it was intriguing to see what the software will produce. The personal details of celebrities were always difficult to obtain, but thanks to the controversy, the long form birth certificate President Obama was published and is available on the US President's website for anyone interested. According to this document also available here he was born in Honolulu on the 4th of august 1961 at 7.24 PM., which is the basic data used to give it a whirl for the fun of it.
A lot of what the software output is really for the expert astrologer but there is also some plain English which states the qualities and positions in life the person will achieve.
Now Barack Obama might have been born or not as stated in the certificate, but the results certainly reveal a lucky individual with some qualities worthy of a president of the United States.
For a discerning believer in vedic astrology, there are also some important and obvious indications in his birth chart like the excellent positions of the planets, enough to explain why he has become the first Black President of the US or why he succeeded in bringing justice to the victims of a great US tragedy.
Obviously for those clamouring about his worthiness to be a US president, despite being born and delivered to a white female citizen of the United States of America, this is no answer, but for lovers of astrology, there is enough evidence.
Article first published as Does Vedic Astrology Solve the Question of the Birth of President Barack Obama? on Technorati.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Posted by Unknown
Whatever Happened To Satya Sai Baba - The Man Who Was God?
Millions of people around the world perhaps came to believe through the modern media and the internet that Satya Sai Baba of India was God himself.
Though he died only a year ago, the Baba has virtually disappeared from the world media, and from the minds and memory of most people who came to know about him, with hardly any mention even on the anniversary of his death.
Is it the media who should be really blamed for this forgetful ignoring of a Guru who had over 6 million followers when he died?
After all Jesus Christ and Gautham Buddha who are also credited with miracles and teachings, were not forgotten but loved, revered, remembered and worshipped for thousands of years before the advent of modern communications.
It is not surprising that no one, including the leading News papers, magazines and TV around the world want to remember or bring back the memory of Satya Sai Baba despite the $9 Billion assets he amassed during his life of 84 years, some of which he had spent on various charitable projects.
Despite the huge followings and philanthropic work, there was something not very honest and straightforward about this Godman who declared himself to be God and whose life was "dogged by controversy including allegations, never proven, of sexual abuse and charlatanism" as per a BBC report.
Whether he was God or not, at the minimum, he knew exactly what lead to the massacre of several young people in his Ashram one night and the serious allegations of sexual abuse brought out in the BBC report of 2004.
Satya Sai Baba chose to leave the earth by not leaving clear answers and an aura of suspicion and doubt in place of divinity. No God has ever survived in human memory with such questionablecredentials.
Perhaps this is the biggest reason why no one, including millions who believed in him, wants to talk about or remember Satya Sai Baba despite the numerous good causes he has supported with his immense wealth.
If his life and intentions were questionable even when he was alive, the intentions and behaviour of his relations and close people who have inherited the Trust with the immense wealth has done nothing to instil devotion and confidence in the Godman after his death.
Instead, they have only raised serious questions about their own integrity and intentions which has lead to public demand for take over and administration of the trust by the government.
Millions of his followers desperately want him to return to earth as Prema Sai before they lose their faith completely even as the fame and prosperity he brought to his village Putta Parthi seems to dwindle fast.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Posted by Unknown
Did Whitney Houston Plan The Grandest Of Her Exits?
It may be too soon to speak
without being disrespectful to the departed, but whether the diva, famous for
her sensational concert exits often with her signature piece “I will always love you” wished it to be
or not, her death in reality has turned in to her grandest of exits!
surreal scene unfolded at the hotel as the party continued while Miss Houston's
body remained in her room on the fourth floor, which was sealed off with yellow
police tape.”
No one in history, except Julius Caesar,
perhaps had his or her praise sung to the world and immortalised, while the soul
which was separated from the body must have been looking down on it and smiling
in greatest of joy at the fulfilment of the life just ended.
Houston, simply put, had the greatest voice in the world. She was a gift of
God. Hearing her sing was like listening to magic. If it wasn't for Clive Davis,
the world may not have known about this miracle voice," Combs
It must sound cruel and uncaring
to think of still holding a party
when an invited has just departed, especially if it happened in the next room.
But in the case of Whitney, who has been honoured with six Grammy awards, it
was not just a party she was supposed to attend that evening, it was her mentor
and music producer Clive Davis's customary pre-Grammy party, typically one of
the most fun-filled highlights of the week leading to the music industry's top awards
For Whitney, it would have been a
party held by her mentor who made her the Whitney Houston the whole world pines
for, where she would have found herself the happiest. How could Whitney have
asked it to be stopped, if her soul could, it would have sung “I will always
love you” for all in the party hall to hear!
put, Whitney would have wanted the music to go on and her family asked that we
carry on,"
Though some statements have been issued by the coroner about the cause
of Whitney’s tragic death, and we may never ever know exactly, one thing seems
to be true. Whitney Houston may not have asked for it but God has granted her
the best stage she could have wished for a final performance.
Article first published as Did
Whitney Houston Plan The Grandest Of Her Exits? on Technorati
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Posted by Unknown
What Makes Even The Russians Go On A Pilgrimage To Sabarimala?

If you are not a woman under menopausal age and if you are
willing to do a spiritual
penance for 41 days, abstain from eating meat and enjoying sex in your
thoughts and life, let your hair and beard grow uncut and lead a Spartan
existence, then you can venture in to this life changing trip to Sabarimala which
more than 50 million Indians of all religions already make every year!
For the team of Russians
from Moscow led by Induchoodan, who has made this trip more than fifteen
times and who practices Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, this
unique pilgrimage to Sabarimala has probably come to mean what it does for
millions of Indians:
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Lord Ayyappan,
Social Web,
vedic astrology
While it's Raining Cats and Dogs in Chennai, it's Time to Visit Chennai Margazhi
A raging cyclone is crossing the Indian peninsula causing
havoc and rain but that is no reason to miss a visit to the world’s only city
with a season dedicated to music and dance. The Margazhi
festival of Chennai
in southern India
is a unique opportunity to fill your holiday with an enchanting glimpse in to
the rich culture,
tradition and food of India .
Margazhi is a month in the Indian Tamil calendar covering
December and January. But it is getting to be more associated with the unique
carnatic music and dance festival being held in the city of Chennai
since decades and evoke nostalgic and romantic feeling in many people, especially
among the expatriates who wait for a whole year, yearning for an annual visit.
The best thing about the Margazhi festival is
that each day is filled with many musical and dance events
in several venues till late night most of which are absolute free with no
tickets or entrance fees. The festival aims to promote talent and give an
opportunity for the artists to perform in public attracting both professional
and amateur practitioners of the arts from around the world.
If you are after a relaxing and fulfilling holiday, it is
indeed great fun to hop in and listen to some invigorating music in the mid
morning, spend some time on the beach or enjoy some really ethnic food, do some
browsing or shopping for exotic jewellery or clothing in the afternoon and then
return for more enjoyment of some exhilarating dance in the evening. You can do
all of these in any order you like for several days non-stop if you wish.
The festival is in fact an amazing panorama of true Indian
culture you can only remotely sense in the hype of “Incredible India”. The
artistic intensity of vocal Carnatic and Hindustani music, exotic instruments
and solo performances, and riveting dance performances by lone exponents and
groups will leave indelible tracks on your memories to take home, unlike a
normal holiday you will soon forget about.
What makes it even more interesting is the availability of
really ethnic food at many venues during the season, which is normally served
only in private homely functions,
thanks to the month of Margazhi, considered inauspicious for
marriages and other functions. For connoisseurs, this wonderful treat for the
palette is an added attraction of the festival pampering all of your senses.
If you seriously want a rejuvenating break and don’t know
how to get that well deserved tranquilising change away from your world, then
Margazhi in Chennai may be what you may be looking for.
Article first published in Technorati as http://technorati.com/lifestyle/travel/article/while-its-raining-cats-and-dogs/
Chandi Baba - The Polititician Saint Of India.
For millenniums, India
has remained shrouded in mystery. Indian rope trick magician to Anna
Hazare, the mystical, philosophical and religious Gurus of India have
attracted inquisitive minds. From the ancient Chinese traveller Faxian
to the Beetles and even Apple’s Steve Jobs found their inspiration from their
Indian Gurus. Now, there is a Politician Saint from India, the world leaders
confronted with the Occupy Wall Street, can learn something from.
Mr Oommen Chandy,
who installed a webcam
in his office for transparency of his administration, will no doubt abhor being
called Oommen Swamy or Chandi Baba like an Indian saint, because he is only an
elected Chief Minister of the tiny state of Kerala in India ,
equivalent to the Governor of a State in the US .
However, for a large section of the population who is ready to patiently wait till
the wee hours of the night for speaking to the Chief Minister, Mr Chandy
is fast becoming something of a saint people line up in endless queue for an
audience with!
The reason is Mr Candy is determined to
take his power as a Chief Minister, bestowed upon him by ordinary people
through a democratic election, to the very people, cutting through the red
tapes, to order immediate and on the spot resolutions to their problems.
In fact Mr Chandy and his
Government with its
efforts to run a transparent and corruption free administration is already
a role model for other Indian States and his own office fitted with a round the
clock webcam has attracted world attention.
Why Mr Chandy may be fast acquiring
the status of a Indian Guru of modern politics is his unique approach to
solving people’s problems. Unlike the
world leaders who struggle to somehow disperse the masses of a generation,
brought by their individual problems and hardship to the Occupy
Wall Street venues, the CM actually invites them
to assemble with their long pending and unsolved issues to specially
organised venues he calls Chief Minister’s Mass Contact programmes!
The entire administration is
moved to the spot, ready to process and dispense fiscal and legal succour
allowed by government rules and existing law, but denied to the applicant by
the web of red tape and corruption. People are invited and encouraged to
register with their complaints and paperwork which are processed ahead of the
programme, ready for an on the spot decision by the CM. Those who can’t can
present on the day and still get answers.
However what makes Mr Chandy
endearing to masses is his true desire to be amongst the masses, his patience
to hear them out and his genuine concern to solve their issues. It is really
amazing to see how he stands and moves around a milling crowd of all kinds of
people listening, making his notes on the petitions, giving orders of urgent
medical help and issuing cheques till the wee hours, without food or rest. His
promise is to meet the last applicant and he keeps it no matter how late in to
the night!
All leaders are popular but some
are more popular because of their saintly nature!
Article already published in Technorati.com
Meet Oommen Chandy, the politician 'saint' from India, who may have something to
teach world leaders confronted with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Jupiter And Murdoch's Super Empire!
Murdoch's Super Media Empire
is being hit by a tsunami!
When I wrote about a few observations associated with the position and
recent movements of Jupiter
a few weeks back, I had a feeling that I haven’t finished yet! I am sure
astrologers around the world are trying to see if the new position of the
planet Jupiter, which is not one of the dwarf planets, in the house of Mars
somehow explains the abrupt and disastrous fall of Murdoch's empire.
I had listed some events which have shocked the world and have become
defining moments in nation’s histories. I had also felt there could be more!
What characterized all of them was not merely the profound loss to the
establishment these incidents brought about but the speed and abruptness with
which they happened, taking the whole world by awe and surprise.
Still I had somehow felt that I wasn’t complete in my reasoning, because, a
large part of the world population was left out of the effects, though the life
and future of everyone was affected in a defining way due to the colossal
nature of the events.
I surely can’t say I am glad to take satisfaction that my curiosity and
premonition about planet Jupiter is fulfilling as it affects so many lives with
sad and disastrous effects. But the tsunami currently hitting the empire of
Rupert Murdoch is definitely closing the gap!
The events, in breathtaking
succession, of the last few days in the United Kingdom which has resulted in
the arrests and resignation of so many people who till recently enjoyed
unprecedented power can only be likened to a political tsunami that has stuck
the east cost of the Atlantic and is expected to strike the west cost soon with
similar devastating effects.
It is not just the enormous wealth
of Murdoch in question, but the humiliating crumbling of the of the media
super world he has managed to build in our lifetime, It is not just his fall from
the position of a kingmaker but the depth to which he has fallen, borne out by
the humiliating apology
he had to make to the Dowler family, which actually show the fierceness of the
tsunami wiping out the ground under his feet and his political empire.
Can a $22 Billion Godly Treasure Make God’s Own Country A Tourist Spot?
If you believe in God and love him truly, sometimes, you are bestowed with the good fortune of being able to sing his praise, even if it is about his hidden wealth!
As if to atone for the ignorance of its Comptroller and Auditor General and make up for the loss he claimed the country has suffered, India has recently discovered a treasure in one of its ancient temples in the idyllic southern state, fondly called God’s Own Country.
These idiotic claims made by a stupid CAG of India, outside the constitutional limits of his office, has caused unprecedented loss to the Indian market capitalization, pulling India’s growth by several points down and creating a huge deficit in the trust of foreign investors in the Indian economy.
Monday, July 04, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Our World,
See Padmanabha,
vedic astrology
A miracle of sorts or the stars having their say!
It is only a few days since I wrote about a strong co-relation between the recent transit of the planet Jupiter and life changing events around the world.
As ever, I had been a keen observer of the celestial movements and how those movements influence my life, hoping that I can learn from the pattern and prepare myself for the future, if not change it to my liking.
I have learned that, in rapid succession to the relocation of the planet Jupiter in April, the celestial malefic twins of the Vedic astrology, Rahu and Kethu were changing their positions in the second half of May, the exact date and time being depend on different calculations.
I didn’t know what this meant to the world, but guessed that personally their new position might not bring in any good news.
Sadly, though to the satisfaction of my curiosity, my hunch has turned out o be not too far from the reality.
What has greeted me last week was the news of the relatively unexpected death of a person very close to a dear friend.
All right, it is only a loss to a friend, not to me, but it is all depends how you feel about your friends, I suppose. Actually talking to my friend, made me sad for the loss of my close friend.
This was followed, two days back, by the demise of another person close to the same friend, who practically had the same relationship with my friend. It was a cardiac arrest, not expected at all of a person my friend wanted to visit, but couldn’t for reasons only destiny decides.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Is jupiter Really a Planet of Fortune?
Article first published as Is jupiter Really a Planet of Fortune? on Technorati.
Now before you post your birth data and questions about your fortune, let me tell you this. I am not an astrologer. Even more important, I know nothing about western astrology. Then what am I writing here? Consider these events for a moment.
• Tsunami in Japan
• Death of Osama Bin Laden
• Jasmine revolution
• Arab spring
• BP oil spill
• Strauss Kahn affair
They all represent colossal losses in fortune! One way or the other these events have caused losses of wealth, fortunes of political establishment, and heads of movements and states in a way unheard in living memory.
All of them have happened in the span of a few months!

Unusual combination of stars depicted in this chart raise interesting questions not just for astrologers.
Now where is Jupiter in all of this? Whether they are total believers in astrology or not, a lot of people believe Jupiter has something to do with your fortune.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Posted by Unknown
President Obama And The Power Of Lord Hanuman.
Before the presidential elections of 2008, there was an interesting piece of news in wide circulation about President Obama. It was about a lucky charm he carried with him all his life,
Is was a small replica of Lord Hanuman, a powerful God from the Hindu epics of India, who is depicted to have a body which is a combination of a human and of a monkey. Now, this type of representation of God is very common in the Hindu mythology and is not unknown in other cultures. But what made it to the news was that a candidate for the US presidency had it with him for good luck.

As history has proved it, LUCK in abundance was what he had in the 2008 US Presidential elections!
But we don't know if President Obama knew it or anyone near to him was aware of a Hindu belief that Lord Hanuman bestows victory over the enemies of those who worship him rather than just bring merely good fortune! Whether President Obama or anyone near him believed it or not, it looks like this is what really happened.
First there was the victory over his opponents in his political life during the elections, defeating, Senator McCain and Governor Sara Palin in the Presidential election.
Then more recently, he has defeated his opponent in war by annihilating Osama Bin Laden, who was his nemesis in the fight against global terrorism. What is interesting is that though it looks like a victory over one albeit the main enemy in war, it is in fact a great victory over all his enemies.
The courage and mettle the President and his team of officials and the US armed forces have shown in hunting down and finishing the face of terror from the earth in effect also have silenced his political and social enemies, at least for the time being.
Lord Hanuman seems to have the power to annihilate your enemies after all, if you believe he can!
Technorati Tags: Hanuman, Lord, luck, McCain, Obama, Palin, Power, president
Queing up for UGADI day lunch at TIVIDALE BALAJI TEMPLE,UK
The Tividale Balaji Temple in the UK is in fact much more than a seat of God it was intented to be. It has become a place to visit for thousands of asians living in the United Kingdom and the part of their itinerary for those visiting as tourists.
The temple and its serene and vast surroundings covered by lawn adds to its attraction as a place to spend some time with family and children. On important Hindu festival days the place come alive with thousands of people, all leaving their day to day working western garb for wonderful coloured and embroidered sarees and all kinds of Indian dress, adding a lot of colour and variety to the scenery.
The temple though based on south Indian system of worship is rather generous in celebrations, missing almost none irrespective of the region of India. Consequently there are plenty of occasions and very frequently. On a nice sunny day, the celebration tend to be more colourful and prolonged like the UGADI day. All celebrations and weekends are especially looked forward to for the simple but very Indian meal as 'Prasadam' to the worshippers. On UGADI celebration, the meal take a special Telugu flavour , with a few more Telugu preparations added to the usual meal.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Posted by Unknown
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