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Before the presidential elections of 2008, there was an interesting piece of news in wide circulation about President Obama. It was about a lucky charm he carried with him all his life,
Is was a small replica of Lord Hanuman, a powerful God from the Hindu epics of India, who is depicted to have a body which is a combination of a human and of a monkey. Now, this type of representation of God is very common in the Hindu mythology and is not unknown in other cultures. But what made it to the news was that a candidate for the US presidency had it with him for good luck.

As history has proved it, LUCK in abundance was what he had in the 2008 US Presidential elections!
But we don't know if President Obama knew it or anyone near to him was aware of a Hindu belief that Lord Hanuman bestows victory over the enemies of those who worship him rather than just bring merely good fortune! Whether President Obama or anyone near him believed it or not, it looks like this is what really happened.
First there was the victory over his opponents in his political life during the elections, defeating, Senator McCain and Governor Sara Palin in the Presidential election.
Then more recently, he has defeated his opponent in war by annihilating Osama Bin Laden, who was his nemesis in the fight against global terrorism. What is interesting is that though it looks like a victory over one albeit the main enemy in war, it is in fact a great victory over all his enemies.
The courage and mettle the President and his team of officials and the US armed forces have shown in hunting down and finishing the face of terror from the earth in effect also have silenced his political and social enemies, at least for the time being.
Lord Hanuman seems to have the power to annihilate your enemies after all, if you believe he can!
Technorati Tags: Hanuman, Lord, luck, McCain, Obama, Palin, Power, president

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ReplyDeleteJai Sree Ram. We all commit sins knowingly and unknowingly.You can ask for forgiveness by reciting the hanuman chalisa . Reciting the opening verses of the Hanuman Chalisa at night at least 8 times helps to remove the sins you may have committed