Some thoughts from Michael McConnell, Douglas Laycock, Stephanie Barclay,
and Mark Storslee.
Posted by :Unknown
Saturday, May 21, 2011||PERMALINK
arab spring,
Sai Baba,
Strauss Kahn,
vedic astrology

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Article first published as Is jupiter Really a Planet of Fortune? on Technorati.
Now before you post your birth data and questions about your fortune, let me tell you this. I am not an astrologer. Even more important, I know nothing about western astrology. Then what am I writing here? Consider these events for a moment.
• Tsunami in Japan
• Death of Osama Bin Laden
• Jasmine revolution
• Arab spring
• BP oil spill
• Strauss Kahn affair
They all represent colossal losses in fortune! One way or the other these events have caused losses of wealth, fortunes of political establishment, and heads of movements and states in a way unheard in living memory.
All of them have happened in the span of a few months!

Unusual combination of stars depicted in this chart raise interesting questions not just for astrologers.
Now where is Jupiter in all of this? Whether they are total believers in astrology or not, a lot of people believe Jupiter has something to do with your fortune.
As per the principles of Vedic astrology, Jupiter bestows all good fortune in the universe. The position of Jupiter, which cyclically moves through twelve houses which are called rasis, in about twelve calendar years, has great importance in deciding the ebb and flow of prosperity in the world and human lives. Jupiter, incidentally, was positioned in the 12th house, a place of all losses, for the past several months!
Just coincidence, you think.
Without getting too Vedic, though Jupiter positioned in the house of catastrophes in December 2010, the planet of fortune briefly returned to the 11th house of prosperity and profits around November 2010 for a month, before firmly positioning back in the 12th house. Guess what this brought to the very country of Vedic Astrology, where nearly a billion people run their lives and do nothing unless they consult an astrologer!
Though the omens of misfortune struck early through the death of a very popular state chief in a helicopter crash, November turned out to be the sweet spot in the country’s recent history, with the successful common wealth games followed by the much publicized visit of President Obama, culminating in his address to the Indian parliament, raising India’s prestige to the skies and a surge of feel good factor and self admiration. But this was only followed by a chain of disasters.
The biggest corruption scandals in the country’s history saw ministers and even the games chief himself going to jail shaking the central government to its core, stock market crashes, tumbling of thirty five years old communist governments like a pack of cards, death of India’s most known Godman Sai Baba who claimed charity fortune of over nine billion dollars with millions of followers worldwide. You can list out many more.
All of these happening while the rest of the world saw the biggest turmoil in recent history.
Ardent and erudite star gazers may argue that it is not just the bad positioning of Jupiter alone to blame, but the influence of a much maligned Saturn and group positioning of other planets in the 12th house giving the planet of fortune ample strength and company to bring about the massive destruction and clean up, perhaps required for building a better future!
Article first published as Is jupiter Really a Planet of Fortune? on Technorati.

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- arab spring , fortune , Jupiter , Obama , Sai Baba , Spiritual , Strauss Kahn , vedic astrology
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