Time to Experience the Great Joy of Liberation of Indian Music by a New Generation

It used to be called fusion,  very often concocted in confused minds, mostly an experience of frustration to those who enjoyed traditional Indian music.

With a new generation of dedicated and serious musicians who seem to understand what they are playing and work very very hard to perfect their skills, suddenly Indian music is being liberated from their traditional limitations and scaling new heights.

There are several palpable facets to this new, invigorating upheaval in the Indian musical entertainment, being brought about by our youngsters through their ventures with exotic names like Music Mojo, Kappa TV,  Acoustika, Music Bowl Rosebowl and bands like Staccato, Bennet’s Band etc.

First and foremost is the liberation of the musical soul of the artist itself. A talented musician can now experience that joy of his own god given talent, which was confined to the bathroom and extremely private moments, in much more accepting, forgiving and friendly environment.

From the nerve wracking and competitive performances in schools and colleges, through the highly pressurized competitions on TV and similar platforms  to the  demanding recording rooms of established directors, the journey of a musician, in his quest for getting recognition and fame  is indeed gruelling.

Do the Character and the Events in the Life of Narendra Modi Validate Vedic Astrology?

There is at least one head of a political party in India who demand that aspiring candidates for party seats during elections approach her with their Vedic horoscopes in hand. Only the ones with the best disposition of the stars and a winning streak are selected. This is a leader who believes that she herself is destined to become the Prime Minister of India.

Such is the trust in Vedic Astrology in the 21st century India  where the system is said to have originated and where even a mission to Mars is undertaken only after ensuring heavenly blessings.

It is likely that, despite opposition of different kinds and various degrees within his party, Narendra Modi, a Guajarati by birth and an outsider to the Hindi speaking heartland of the BJP, has really won the nomination based on his Vedic chart, which the BJP leaders rooted in Hindutwa must have realised is their best ticket for power in Delhi.

It is because, going by the principles of Vedic Astrology, once the esoteric knowledge of an elite group of seers, the Vedic Horoscope of Narendra Modi stand out as a certificate for its veracity and authenticity.

That is, assuming some party genius didn’t conceive and cast it to suit a Prime Ministerial candidate in the first place  and simply claimed that it belongs to Narendra Modi.

The return of the fragrance of jasmine of India.

“I am alive today, I may not be there tomorrow. I shall continue to serve till my last breath and when I die every drop of my blood will strengthen India and keep a united India alive.” Indira Gandhi.
No one had called Indira Gandhi the jasmine of India.  But just when the ideal of a United India which she nurtured, toiled a lifetime and eventually gave her life for  seems to be falling apart, there is  some refreshing fragrance of hope emanating from Indira’s own flesh and blood.

It is as if Indira Gandhi, who had made millions feel immensely proud to be Indian while she was alive, has cast a spell on her grant daughter Priyanka Gandhi. A magical yet mesmerising spell which even Priyanka seems to be unaware of, something only those who lived in the times of Indira can discern.

Such is the simplicity of a few words she spoke recently, manner and mannerism with which she has delivered them, the confidence she has exuded while delivering them and the immense destructive power with which they have destroyed the fake facade she had hit them with, all reminiscent of her grant mother, that one may be excused to indulge in spells and charms and nostalgic glory of India.

Thursday, May 01, 2014
Posted by Unknown

The North South Divide of India Narendra Modi Can Bring Back.

Everyone agrees that the self appointed next Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is a fragmenting character. Did the US Ambassador to India, Nancy Powell see the writings on the wall and decided to throw in the towel because Washington won’t see?

Can the United States and the rest of the world, already beleaguered by a divisive and aggressive Putin in Europe, deal with a North South divide of a strong India, a guarantee against aggressive China, on top of all other kinds of splintering Narendra Modi seems to have abetted so far?

To list out the divisions Modi has achieved so far, critics can point out his hype of Gujarat Model Development, his professed Urban support base, his orchestrated cyber follower base, the blind admiration of young techies he has mustered and numerous other factors which the rest of India lack, as Modi’s own versus the rest of India which divide the  fabric of India in some undesirable way.

 “Give me three hundred seats and I will empower the nation”  Narendra Modi , who has so far been refused a US visa on account of his role in 2002 religious riots in Gujarat, has stated in a pre election speech.

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