Showing posts with label Enrica Lexie. Show all posts

Three Reasons Why Two Italian Marines Can Smile While India is Burning.

Are the Italians ruling India now? That is what a growing number of Indians start to ask themselves even though there is no government in Rome. However two Italian marine commandos, whose life has been ruined, have reason to smile. The amazingly plight of two smart Italian naval commandos, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, whose freedom is in peril for doing their duty, has grown from.

Sonia Gandhi - The Hapless Italian Anchor of The Enrica Lexie Affair.

It was  a question of when and not if the name of Sonia Gandhi, the president of the Indian National Congress party and one of the most powerful and influential women in the world as per the Forbes and Time Magazine lists, will be dragged in the messy affair of Enrica Lexie. The inevitable has now happened and everyone is delivering their hidden punches.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Posted by Unknown

Why Enrica Lexie Is Growing Messier Like The Italian Pasta By The Hour?

Don’t get this wrong. Enrica Lexie sounds like the latest juicy revelation in the saga of former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, but it is merely the name of an Italian vessel embroiled in a legal and diplomatic tussle between Italy and India. Initially catching little attention of the western media, the row is now assuming some serious European dimension, with Italian soldiers demonstrating.
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Posted by Unknown

If You Hit Someone On The Indian Cost It Is Better To Switch Off Lights And Run

The Italians learned it the hard way and too late that the law does not always work the same way in India. It works in a sneaky speedy way if you are an Italian and not Sonia Gandhi and the usual ‘get no where’ way if you are a true patriotic Indian. The recent events in the India Ocean on the western coastline of India infested by Somali pirates show that everyone from.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Posted by Unknown

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