The Court should settle the proximate-cause issue, not just aiding and
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Can India Really Block Google And Facebook Without Banning Candles?
Posted by :Unknown
Tuesday, January 17, 2012||PERMALINK
julian Assange,
Social Web,
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The simple answer, like in the case of China
is “yes”. However if the question is, can India afford to take such extreme
measures, the answer is likely to be “not really” because, simply put, India is
not same as China when democratic values are concerned.
Concerned with the rising and abusive character
assassination of the political leaders through morphed images and the dangers
of inflammatory posts in a religiously super sensitive nation, the flash points
of which the government has to strive very, very hard to keep from exploding,
the Indian government and now the Indian judiciary
have warned the Internet giants that they need to act.
The question is can the internet giants comply and if they
will, should the Indian authorities insist on things almost technically
impossible on account of the gigantic and growing use of these social media
More importantly, should India be a party to stifling
information which the world never know about without the social media like the purported
inhumane act of the US army, recently circulated on the social media,
inviting strong criticism and appropriate corrective action, perhaps the only
way such things can be prevented in the future.
To be fair, though there is no mechanism to judge, detect
and thwart offensive material from getting published, both Google and Facebook
have built in mechanisms for anyone who may be offended to report such entries
and get them officially removed.
Isn’t this how things work in any democratic society
including India
when it comes to normal media or public expression? In real world no one can be
stopped from expressing what he or she feels like. All you can do is to remove
such expressions from records and impose appropriate punishment to the offender
as per the law of the land.
Then there are “ways” to gag the source of information like
the ways adopted to silence Julian
Assange and financially destroy his Wikileaks, at least for now, by the
very nations where the social media was borne and developed in to the mass
platforms of expression, characterising the 21st century human
In fairness, the Indian authorities are not likely to
initiate any stringent action, as was demonstrated in the case of banning of
Blackberry in India .
For one thing, procedures, especially implementation of law, with several
layers of appeal, do take outrageously long in India ,
where time is the healer in many cases.
What the government is concerned about is its image, which
is being unjustifiably tarnished by all kinds of unproven accusations, which
gets magnified in the social media. The solution, rather than the
uncharacteristic oppressive measures India
cannot afford to take like the autocratic China ,
lies in the political and intellectual evolution of the Indian society, which
is relatively young, educated and bestowed with discerning ability.
Chances are, any such action to block either Google or
Facebook by the government will be high jacked by the issues starved political
opposition, to campaign for the vote bank of urban youth, by organising, for
sure, candle light vigils, like the recent trend in India. All Google and
Facebook need to offer will be free candles for each new status update or post!
Article first published in TECHNORATI as

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- #lrose , China , Community , facebook , Google , India , julian Assange , Social Web , US Army , Wikileaks
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