I have a very hard time getting worked up over revoked security clearances.
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Why is the thirty year return of Saturn sinister for some?
Saturn, the Vedic astrology says,
is a planet which makes human beings pay up for their past and present Karma
before they die. Keralite astrologers even believe that those who die on a
Saturday would have attained the end of the rebirth cycle, which the Hindus
believe is the route God has prescribed for living beings to attain salvation
and eternal peace.
Does the cyclical return of
Saturn after thirty years to its original position spell doom and gloom for at
least some people? Is that why exactly thirty years after her tragic assassination,
India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is mercilessly being assassinated again?
Isn't the attempt of the current
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to wipe out her name and her ultimate scarifies
for India, exactly on the thirtieth anniversary of her assassination, nothing less than
another assassination of her, thirty years after her death?
While he could have
chosen another day for that, he chose the thirtieth anniversary of her tragic death for inflicting the political blow. Is it due to celestial compulsions?
Narendra Modi called the anti Sikh riots of Delhi, which ensued the cold blooded murder of Indira
Gandhi to avenge her courage to put down the Sikh
separatist who wanted to divide India, as the deepest strike of a knife on
India’s unity.
His words are perhaps a deeper cut on the greatness of Indira Gandhi than those inflicted by hundreds of bullets shot by her own sikh body guards, which killed her.
His words are perhaps a deeper cut on the greatness of Indira Gandhi than those inflicted by hundreds of bullets shot by her own sikh body guards, which killed her.
It may be a mere coincidence that Indira was
assassinated on the birth day of Sardar Patel, but that the BJP and its leader
had to wait thirty years to unashamedly raise the greatness of Sardar Patel, who
died as a lifelong Congressman who really banned their party must have
something to do with the celestial movements.
The question is why didn’t that happen
earlier or later? Has it got something to do with Saturn, which is assumed to
change its position in the coming days?
One can argue that astrology doesn’t apply to dead souls. But Vedic
astrology indeed concedes that a human life span could be as long as 120 years.
If Indira Gandhi somehow survived the attempt on her life thirty years back and
were alive today, Narendra Modi will still try to obliterate her politically
by whatever he can shout to the crowds, It is not difficult for even a
school child to see that the state election for Punjab, in which BJP will contest
alone is not that far away.
Thankfully, Vedic astrology doesn’t
judge the Karma of human beings in isolation from the rest who will share the
good and bad of yours. It weights and blends yours with those of your spouse,
children, parents, close relations, dependants and friends.
For Rahul Gandhi at least, whose
Grant Mother was assassinated when Saturn occupied its loftiest position with
Burning Sun in company, in the house of Libra, thirty years back, the very same
planets have occupied Libra again to witness the second assassination of his
Grant Mother.
In fact Saturn was there for the
past two years which has seen the worst spell of fortune for the whole family. Undoubtedly
periods Saturn’s loftiest state is the worst time for the Gandhi family,
judging from the events in thirty years and the tragedies and political losses.
Even though Indira Gandhi died
during the dasa of Saturn, a period in life where you may have the severest of
set back and toils, Saturn’s wrath and graces were more or less balanced for
her. However the thirty year cyclical movement certainly meant disaster to
Indira Gandhi and her kith and kin every time it visited his position of high
strength, the house of Libra.
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Why Chennai Express of Sha Rukh Khan is an amazing sine qua non for a course on world cinema
It is almost a year since Chennai
Express, a record breaking Indian blockbuster of the king of
Bollywood, Sha Rukh Khan, was released. This Indian
flick may have a few surprise lessons for students of the movie craft.
It is one of those rare events on
the silver screen, which provides a lot of insight to anyone seriously
considering to master the craft of cinema and how to press the right buttons to
enter the hearts of millions.
Bollywood films routinely become
blockbusters with record collections at the box office, thanks to a captive audience looking out for a pass-time and burdened with a deficit of IQ and excess of money in
their pockets both in India and abroad.
Chennai Express which got only
sub zero marks from film critics, but managed to add a record number of zeros
to its box office collection, however, is different and something of a a mystery of the Indian silver screen.
No one really knows how and when
the ‘rail cars’ of Chennai Express, with such complexity that
they could all have hardly come alive in a single brain, came together.
If Chennai Express was a typical director’s
film it might have been a Rohit Shetty film. It is actually a unique flick, with a lot more deeper and
serious facets to it than a film director’s work of entertainment. Many of those can be
attributed to its hero, the Indian movie star and entrepreneur, Sha Rukh Khan.
A rail car named desire.
It is clearly the enormous desire
of Sha Rukh Khan to make more money by investing wisely in a sure-fire formula
which compelled him to venture out to make a film with Rohit Shetty, who is a young Indian director with a string of blockbusters under his belt. Rohit had cracked what
the modern Indian audience wanted and was ready to to pour oil on any desire
which made good commercial sense. The result could hardly be anything but
explosive. Chennai Express, a deceptively dangerous theme, was the product of bold commercial vision of Khan, as
suicidal as it is genius.
A script no one will touch
With the fire of desire in its gut, the express train of Sha Rukh and Rohit Shetty could have gone in any direction, but it took a southern turn with its script writer Subhash, son of a veteran southern film director, connected with the leaders of linguistic strife in India before independence.
It was no surprise that his script came with a genesis of an impossible dream of unity and harmony between southern and northern India, which broke down with the departure of the British and was aggravated by the linguistic division of India after independence.
From Helen of Troy to Gone with the wind, regional human conflict had been the backdrop of great classics, depicted truthfully and presented to audiences who can discern life from entertainment.
However, it would be utterly irresponsible to ignore consequences of chauvinism, even if it is in mere movie entertainment, in the 21st century India more divided and ignitable than ever.
The script of Chennai express, dealing with the love of a
northern man to a southern belle was
explosive any day, novel yet fraught with danger of massive protests and
national grief if not a civil war, with the risk of negative stereotyping of south Indians. Though
the script has a strong message of the power of love to unite everyone, almost impossible to deliver today as it was
nearly a century back, the great Khan was audacious enough to grab it because
he saw a divine touch of great commercial success.
The divine touch
What actually created the spark
of creation of Chennai Express was a touch almost divine as the one in the
Creation of Adam of Michel Angelo. It was the final touch of Khan’s own
blockbuster Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge,
still running in Mumbai after two decades, as the longest running flick.
Khan has instantly recognised that
the feel of goodness where he left off in DDLJ is his ticket for Chennai Express which had the pulling power to drag millions of Indian hearts along with him in to it. It not only sealed the script
of the movie but also the soft corner he has managed to sneak in to in millions
of hearts worldwide.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Why a page views counter may be better than social share buttons?

Even though the algorithms of Google with names like Penguin and Panda had evolved to weed out fake content from the cyberspace, Google gives appropriate weight to recommendation to social media.
These are typically obtained through the share buttons provided by Facebook, Twitter and many others which need to be included in your content.
However, a growing number of experts feel that the share buttons have outlived their utility and appeal to draw visitors to click them. Moreover their unseemly presence all over the page, resulting from indiscreet use aimed at getting as many clicks as possible, is also putting off many people.
A growing number of web users do not use them at all for recommending a web page. Many experts believe that eventually everything will come back to old style text links and have even started to provide those instead of the social media buttons.
All these go with the vein and philosophy of Google that only genuine, fresh and unique content needs to be taken in to account and presented in searches. Experts argue that such content will impress readers enough for them to recommend them to others without the buttons.
No one is going to add up all those numbers in individual share button boxes to decide how many people have visited the page. A page count should be readily and easily available to the visitor to be effective in persuading him or her to read on and perhaps recommend to others.
That is where the post counts for such content becomes a useful and convincing piece of information to the reader. This is especially true for unique and compelling content which Google consider as the ones to be promoted.
The problem is that such page view counters are not readily provided by blogging platforms like Google’s BlogSpot or Wordpress even though Google has a mechanism to give this information in the admin section. However, it is not clear whether you need to install the Google Analytics, which slows page loading, to see this. Google also may have a commercial reason to withhold this information from the site visitors.
For Wordpress at least, thankfully there are some plug-ins, which can be easily installed. For BlogSpot however, there is hardly any help available from the wider community though a couple of scripts are available on the net which doesn’t seem to work.
One solution, provided by Mybloggertricks.com using a third party database called FIREBASE seems to be a good possibility though it is not working with many modern templates of BlogSpot.
However we have managed to get it working after some serious digging and a good dose of help from the folks at FIREBASE.
However the MBT script was generating data sets for each value for a given string identifier like “name” but the script will output a visitor number only when the value was a pure string like “more”. Please see here for a full description.
The problem with blogging platforms is that each blog post is dynamically generated and it is nearly impossible to have a unique identifier other than its title, which is also dynamically included in the html in a modern blogging platform. ( Google actually introduces a ID number also in the blogger blogs. )
However the MBT script didn’t work with the post itle either, one plausible explanation being it was not available to the script until after the page fully loaded by which time it was too late.
Fortunately, some expert advice to deal with this issue was available at Buggy Bread and following their advice seems to solve the problem.
For anyone who would like and feel competent enough to install the MBT script for Google’s BloSpot Blog, here are the steps which worked for this blog to get the script working as you can see from the working counter on the top left.
(Please note the steps below are given without any guaranty, warranty or indemnity for consequential losses or damage and must be followed at your own risk and peril.)
- Install the MBT script as instructed by Mybloggertips. Com here.
- Check if it is working for your blog.
- If not, first back up your Blog template.
- Open your Blog template in the BlogSpot HTML editor.
- Locate the Java Script given by MBT and placed just before the </body> tag.
- Rename “ name” to “pname” in three places in the script.
- Use Ctrl + f and find the code <b:includable id='post' var='post'>
- Place the following code below it.
- <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
- <a expr:pname='data:post.title'/>
- </b:if>
- Click the preview template button and make sure the page is loading without errors.
- Save your template by clicking the save template button
- Hopefully your counter must show up with a number next time you open that page which will increment every time a visitor visits the page.
- You can check the pages that have been visited by logging in to your FIREBASE database.
- Don't forget to back up your template again.
Page view counts will be a useful information not only for the visitors but for blog authors also to verify the response to the post. For example, to compare the number of vies to the number of comments on a page or to gain an insight to what type of topics are preferred by the visitors etc.
With really good content, page view counter will ultimately become a significant measuring tool for bloggers.
Monday, June 02, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Did fighting Indian corruption rob Sonia Gandhi’s UPA of victory in the 2014 election?
Amid all that euphoria of the
massive election victory of the BJP, when the whole world was impatiently
watching the steps of its would be Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, what captured
the attention of the media was a bizarre
thanks giving meeting organised by it.
Several senior leaders of the BJP
who won the recent election assembled to felicitate Baba Ramdev, who was conspicuously
absent from the meet and media glare, who helped them win the election by his blessings, which were more mundane than divine.
However the party can neither acknowledge
nor felicitate the sources of the massive funds behind its campaign so openly,
though someday somehow favours will have to be returned. For now, one Indian,
who set out to expose and prevent corruption in India is languishing in the Tiharjail.
Arvind Kejeriwal and his AAP were
broke even before he found he had no money to bail himself out. He had
acknowledged long time back that his party had no funds to take on the NDA and
the UPA in the parliamentary election, a political reality glaring at him he
refused to see before setting out on his mission.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Arvind Kejriwal,
Mamta Banerjee,
Narendra Modi,
Sonia Gandhi,
Hello India, Welcome to the Club of Religious Governance!
Let us face it, the Indian
parliament election of 2014 has clearly enrolled India among the countries
ruled by their religious majority where all other religions have only a minority
The Bharathiya Janata Party, a
party widely perceived to be based on
Hindu Ideology and agenda of Hindutwa has won a landslide victory in the
election of 2014, the results of which were announced today. The party has won
a clear majority Of 283 seats and their National Democratic Alliance a total of
337 seats.
It would hardly be of concern if the massive majority was spread across the country because landslides in politics are nothing to write home about.
It is the localisation of the un opposed power of the BJP, as is clear from the CNN IBN graphic which changes the nature of governance of India.
There are no representation of opposition in several states in India, which comprise a large chunk of the Indian population concentrated on an equally large part of the Indian land mass. It is as if India has been physically divided again.
It would hardly be of concern if the massive majority was spread across the country because landslides in politics are nothing to write home about.
It is the localisation of the un opposed power of the BJP, as is clear from the CNN IBN graphic which changes the nature of governance of India.
![]() |
With Narendra Modi's Victory, India chooses to go back to the Power of One http://ibnlive.in.com/home_america.html |
There are no representation of opposition in several states in India, which comprise a large chunk of the Indian population concentrated on an equally large part of the Indian land mass. It is as if India has been physically divided again.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Paybookclub Content Box
Get this Free auto refreshing Content Box for your website Now!
If you are looking for free content for your web site, it is right here.To increase your Google Page Rank and page hits, get this free auto updating content box on your page. Just copy and paste this code in your page html and watch your site updating with free and fresh content without you lifting a finger.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;">
<object type="text/html" data="https://paybookclub-v2.herokuapp.com/timelineOriginal.php" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;">