After graduating in Mechanical Engineering and spinning a rewarding career spanning from mining to metal cans in the steel Industry, Shred Pillai loves to look at softer aspects of life around us. He likes to look at the world through the swinging needle of a balance rather than the cross hairs of a rifle.
GOD's own country, the idyllic southern part of India from where he hails, marvellous France and wonderful British Isles where he lives and works, the US and Canada which he admires are all on his sight of vision.
Shred is a regular writer for Technorati and Huffington Post and has his own Blog Lasting Rose in which he covers subjects closer to his heart.
Do you have a requirement for BLOGGING about anything? Perhaps new technology or product you want to introduce.
Shred Pillai can offer this service on a variety of topics and subjects. As a blogger and Influencer who writes on social Issues and technical articles about the social web Shred Pillai is quite at ease writing on a range of technology too.
Please visit to read a full Linkedin profile of Shred Pillai Please visit to check out KLOUT score. Please Visit for Skills Skills Shred Pillai offer as service.
If you think Shred Pillai’s Services can be useful for you please contact with a brief explanation of your requirement and your contact details.

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