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Saturday, December 24, 2011||PERMALINK
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Barely noticed by the world,
yesterday was an important day for democracy!
The world’s biggest democracy,
which came under the threat of being usurped by populist and anarchists, aided
by the frustrations of an urban middle class and hyped by eyeballs hungry
media, showed the first signs of its inherent parliamentary strength and democratic
will to fight
back. After the cool breeze of Arab Spring, the tabling of the Lokpal bill
in the Indian parliament turned out to be a respite for democracy shaken by the
tremors of a harsh Indian summer!
In a year widely reckoned as a
year of Gandhian
struggle, the Anna
Hazare movement of 2011, which had all the trappings of a Gandhian
agitation, turned out to be testing time for democratic values and process in
India. Totally un-Gandhian, the agitation had the harsh and moralistic premise
of being able to stop corruption by punishing and sending the corrupt to the
jail and not by finding and eliminating the causes in the first place. Anna
and his coterie dictated and insisted that it is the only way, even if it meant
destabilising the nation’s democratic process and established law and order set
up and paving way to oligarchy and anarchy by appointing an all powerful Lokpal
as per their terms.
The Indian parliament
representing 1.3 billion voters and comprising of 543 elected members was
brought to its knees in the summer by Anna Hazare and a combine of self
proclaimed moralists demanding an ombudsman with powers to punish corrupt
politicians, judiciary and civil servants, effectively a super cop to oversee the
three pillars of democracy. They were able to
do this by stage managing a fast by Anna Hazare, carefully choosing a festive
weekend when thousands of city dwellers, frustrated by the widely media hyped 2
g scam and outsiders transported by extreme religious groups were drawn to the
event in a show of support. A government, already weakened by accusation of
corruption by a coalition partner and repeated stalling tactic of the
opposition in the parliament simply chose the path of non confrontation, by
accepting the demand to pass a bill in the winter session
However, the parliament has regained
its senses and collective wisdom about the need, usefulness and consequences
and above all the practicality of appointing a Lokpal as, hitherto silent
members have expressed their views on tabling of a bill by the government.
That, the government was
determined and was able to table a bill despite the repeated insinuations and
threats of agitation by the Anna Hazare team, the efforts for which were
started forty years back, in itself is proof that the democratic government can
function under pressure and duress.
That, the Indian parliament is
able to resist the intimidation by unelected moralists and orchestrated
populism and can openly and bravely question the infringement of its democratic
rights and duties is a lot more heartening to anyone who can’t breathe in
anything but a democratic society.
Article first published on Technorati.com as http://technorati.com/politics/article/another-acid-test-for-democracy1/

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