A nice line from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Politico.Eu). I have no
well-informed view on the proper role of… The post "500M Europeans Are
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A couple of months back, the attention was on the features
of Google+, the new Social Networking Site of Google, which were being sparingly
revealed to the world, much like a shrewd merchant revealing the end of the silk
he is holding out to the customer. Of course it succeeded in generating the
huge worldwide interest in Google+ and the phenomenal growth in its membership.
ComScore, a highly reputed business
analytics site reported that Google+ now has 25 million users while it took around
three years for Facebook and Twitter to achieve the same.
While the membership has no doubt shot up, it is not clear how the
users have accepted the features of the new
networking platform like Circles, Hangouts, Instant uploads, Sparks
and Huddles. Serious doubts
have been raised how useful and user
friendly they really are, despite the added
features Google introduced, leveraging on its own Browser, Chrome.
It was expected that Facebook
will inevitably introduce improvements to counter what Google would be offering
in the new platform. In fact over the course of the last three months it has
already silently introduced several small features and some important one like video chat
incorporating Skype.
However, the most important
improvement to the site which could counter the much tooted features of Google+
were announced only last week in the Facebook blog.
Unlike Google, Facebook has preferred to clearly explain the changes in very
simple ‘before’ and ‘after’ the change style, which everyone can understand and
are widely appreciated. Though there was favourable opinion from experts,
you could only palpate the richness of the goodies offered by Facebook only
since a couple of days. To be fair, they have turned out to be good stuff much
of the 750 million members of Facebook are going to like and appreciate.
The changes according to Facebook
in a nut shell are:
“A bunch
of improvements that make it easier to share posts, photos, tags and other
content with exactly the people you want, to make this more visual and
straightforward, bye moving most of your controls from a settings page to,
right next to the posts, photos and tags they affect. Plus there are several
other updates that will make it easier to understand who can see your stuff (or
your friends') in any context, organized around two areas: what shows up on
your profile and what happens when you share something new”
The beauty and simplicity of how
Facebook has gone about beating the circles of
GOOGLE + is by bringing everything you need to control your privacy in
to one simple circle and right where you need to apply them with the click of a
At the heart of this clever
innovation is a drop down menu from which you can select the group of people or
person with whom you are going to share. This intuitive sharing engine is then
attached where it is required like your profile editing page in which it can be
applied to each of the menu item and your wall where you update your status and
share your media. The added bonus is the flexibility you get even to change the
sharing at a later date, if you change your mind.
This drop down menu undoubtedly
is a PLUS over Google+, in which you need to
pre select and compartmentalise your groups, who will receive different levels
of your favour and get to share what they deserve. To completely match the
segregation offered by Google+, Facebook will be expanding this over time to
include smaller groups of people like co-workers, Friend Lists you've created,
and Groups you're a member of.
important changes include a button to show what your profile looked like to
others, another to add a location and tag the people you're with. You can add tags of your friends or anyone else
on Facebook and can review and approve or reject any tag someone tries
to add to your photos and posts..
Article first published as How
Facebook Is Catching Up With Google+ on Technorati.

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- circles , facebook , Google+ , Social Web
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