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Has Obama got a secret weapon for the Chinese?

There had been recent reports of Facebook loosing a bit of its sheen.

CNN reported on recent signs of 'Facebook Fatigue' and another interesting story about it being ripe for some imminent disaster. There were also reports about alternative and upcoming social media sites like Tumblr which could soon replace Facebook.

Despite the recent drop out of about six million Facebook users in the US, I guess all this talk of Facebook’s loss of face has to do with its valuation of over a hundred billion dollars, based on a membership of over six hundred million users.

The reality is, with the world population approaching seven billion by 2011, the tsunami of Facebook is only in the making!

At the heart of its powerful social impact on the world, which can only be likened to a tsunami, are factors which the inventors of this social media site wouldn’t have been even aware.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Posted by Unknown

Anthony Weiner could have almost touched his women!

Article first published as Anthony Weiner Could Have Almost Touched His Women! on Technorati.

One can only feel great admiration and respect for the courage and poise with which Huma Abedin is facing the tempest raised by her husband’s misdemeanour at a time of extreme vulnerability, as a woman who is in to the third month of pregnancy.

I wish her well and hope she will continue to be strong and be able to see through this crisis together with her husband, as a couple. After all, their relationship and interfaith marriage are proof enough that the couple has great power of introspection and great strength to live by their conviction, leaving enough space for each other.

However rather than die out with the public confessions Anthony Weiner has done so far, with additional material released and being circulated on the internet and media, the storm seems to be only intensifying, with the clamour for his resignation becoming more and more loud.

Japanese Internet kissing machine is ready!

Years before, in the beginning days of the internet, when everyone was struggling with 28k and 56 k modem connections, I used to wonder when things will improve to make human contact experience possible. At last it has become a reality now. Well, almost!

This invention by the Japanese gives them a heads up for the next generation consumer electronics and perhaps new dimensions for social networking.Hopefully very soon people on Facebook should be able to share kissing experience with those on orkut! 

Below is a report by CNN

Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine

Doug Gross By Doug Gross, CNN
May 5, 2011 -- Updated 1103 GMT (1903 HKT) | Filed under:Innovation

A Japanese lab has created a video device that allows you to

Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine

CNN) -- We admit to being sort of creeped out by this: A Japanese lab has created a device that may let let you "French kiss" someone over the Internet.

And by "kiss," we mean waggle your tongue on a plastic straw, thereby making another plastic straw waggle remotely on someone else's tongue.

Hot, huh?

Well, the folks at Tokyo's Kajimoto Laboratory say it's just the beginning of what could become a full-on person-to-person experience over the Internet.

The lab, part of The University of Electro-Communications, posted a video in which a researcher demonstrates the "Kiss Transmission Device." It's a motorized box that looks a little like a police Breathalyzer.

Watch the video of the "Kiss Transmission Device"

In the video, Nobuhiro Takahashi, a graduate student and researcher at the university, manipulates the plastic tube on one device with his tongue. A program stores the movements on a computer and then transmits them to another device, causing its tube to move -- presumably in someone else's mouth.

The idea is to help lovers -- in long-distance relationships, say -- by transmitting the tactile sensation of kissing from one person to another. The lab is running both devices on the same computer, but says a system could be set up to connect them via the Web.

"Kiss information" can be recorded and replayed, presumably meaning someone could save and share a "kiss" over and over.

"For example, if you have a popular entertainer use this device and record it, that could be hugely popular if you offer it to fans," Takahashi says. (Can you say, "Justin Bieber"?)

The researchers seem to realize that most people might not exactly find licking a plastic tube a suitable replacement for sucking face. But there are refinements on the way, they say.

"The elements of a kiss include the sense of taste, the manner of breathing and the moistness of the tongue," Takahashi said. "If we can re-create all of those, I think it will be a really powerful device."


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