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Showing posts with label Priyanka Gandhi. Show all posts
The return of the fragrance of jasmine of India.
“I am alive today, I may not be there tomorrow. I shall continue to serve till my last breath and when I die every drop of my blood will strengthen India and keep a united India alive.” Indira Gandhi.

It is as if Indira Gandhi, who had
made millions feel immensely proud to be Indian while she was alive, has cast a
spell on her grant daughter Priyanka Gandhi. A magical yet mesmerising spell
which even Priyanka seems to be unaware of, something only those who lived in the
times of Indira can discern.
Such is the simplicity of a few words
she spoke recently, manner and mannerism with which she has delivered them, the
confidence she has exuded while delivering them and the immense destructive
power with which they have destroyed the fake facade she had hit them with, all
reminiscent of her grant mother, that one may be excused to indulge in spells
and charms and nostalgic glory of India.
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Posted by Unknown
If Sonia Gandhi is the World's Fourth Richest Politician with $ 19 Billion, Why Should Her Son in Law Robert Vadra Steal Peanuts from Mango People? Something Doesn't Quite Add Up Here.
Sonia Gandhi is 6th in the Forbes list of most powerfulwomen in the world. As per Business Insider, Sonia Gandhi is also the 4th richest politician who has stashed away $19 billion, a litany her political opponents and distracters had been singing ever since the Business Insider Published the list.
Now Robert Vadra, who is married to her daughter Priyanka Gandhi, is being targeted by a group which call themselves 'India Against Corruption' of making some fast bucks in the Indian property market, using his proximity to the Gandhi family.
Fortunately Robert Vadra is a cool guy with some sense of humour, a rare commodity in India, especially among the politicians. He declared through his Facebook account that he can handle the negativity. Then he went on to lament the whole attempt as a ploy by "mango people" in a banana republic, by merely naming his accusers who call themselves "Aam Admi" by its verbatim translation. When he got fed up with all the negativity and the fuss it was creating, he simply closed his Facebook account with a statement:
"Obviously it seems I have people on my Facebook account who do not have a sense of humour. Everything I write becomes news and further debates on television?? I have decided to delete my account."
Unfortunately for Sonia Gandhi, the timing of the whole furore wasn't very good, at least in the southern state of Kerala, which still enjoy and tolerate political satire unlike West Bengal, ruled by the unhingedMamta Banerjee, where any such attempt can land you in jail.
A recent song which has hit the charts with a theme of a mother in law baking buns for her son in law has given rise to inevitable comparison, parodies and cartoons which are doing the rounds on the social media. Though the government of Sonia Gandhi's United Progressive Alliance has tried to curb the excesses on the social media, it looks like an almost impossible task.
Monday, October 08, 2012
Posted by Unknown
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