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Sonia Gandhi
If Sonia Gandhi is the World's Fourth Richest Politician with $ 19 Billion, Why Should Her Son in Law Robert Vadra Steal Peanuts from Mango People? Something Doesn't Quite Add Up Here.
If Sonia Gandhi is the World's Fourth Richest Politician with $ 19 Billion, Why Should Her Son in Law Robert Vadra Steal Peanuts from Mango People? Something Doesn't Quite Add Up Here.
Posted by :Unknown
Monday, October 08, 2012||PERMALINK
banana republic,
business insider,
mango People,
Priyanka Gandhi,
Robert Vadra,
Sonia Gandhi
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Sonia Gandhi is 6th in the Forbes list of most powerfulwomen in the world. As per Business Insider, Sonia Gandhi is also the 4th richest politician who has stashed away $19 billion, a litany her political opponents and distracters had been singing ever since the Business Insider Published the list.
Now Robert Vadra, who is married to her daughter Priyanka Gandhi, is being targeted by a group which call themselves 'India Against Corruption' of making some fast bucks in the Indian property market, using his proximity to the Gandhi family.
Fortunately Robert Vadra is a cool guy with some sense of humour, a rare commodity in India, especially among the politicians. He declared through his Facebook account that he can handle the negativity. Then he went on to lament the whole attempt as a ploy by "mango people" in a banana republic, by merely naming his accusers who call themselves "Aam Admi" by its verbatim translation. When he got fed up with all the negativity and the fuss it was creating, he simply closed his Facebook account with a statement:
"Obviously it seems I have people on my Facebook account who do not have a sense of humour. Everything I write becomes news and further debates on television?? I have decided to delete my account."
Unfortunately for Sonia Gandhi, the timing of the whole furore wasn't very good, at least in the southern state of Kerala, which still enjoy and tolerate political satire unlike West Bengal, ruled by the unhingedMamta Banerjee, where any such attempt can land you in jail.
A recent song which has hit the charts with a theme of a mother in law baking buns for her son in law has given rise to inevitable comparison, parodies and cartoons which are doing the rounds on the social media. Though the government of Sonia Gandhi's United Progressive Alliance has tried to curb the excesses on the social media, it looks like an almost impossible task.
At the bottom of the problem is the impunity with which accusations can be hurled at your political opponents in India without sound proof and basis and the irresponsibility of the Media in general in latching on to and sensationalising these charges without editorial or other scrutiny.
It is indeed anybody's guess to work out the money to be made in India by foreign companies to shell out kick backs amounting to $19 billion and check the reality on ground though no one can claim that such corrupt practices, very common elsewhere in the world, was never part of the Indian politics.
In reality, due to various obstructionist steps by allies and political opposition of the government, the foreign investment has trickled down in recent months bringing India's the growth rate down forcing the government to take many unpopular measures. Obviously If Kick back was the norm and could have brought foreign funds there shouldn't have been any dearth of investors.
However, for the Gandhi family, fighting to tear down the mantle of the Bofors affair which brought down the government and popularity of Sonia's martyred Husband Rajiv Gandhi over a lifetime, it is inconceivable to leave any reasons for new accusations.
This doesn't stop the Indian political opposition and media, which can find very little if at all to question the probity of the famous political family of India, to dig for dirt. The dealings between DLF, a struggling real estate multinational in India and Robert Vadra might have been on account of his position in the family, but crucially there is no evidence that DLF has benefited in any way or any undeclared deals.
The United Nations has opined that women leaders of India will help in the emancipation of women in India who undergo a variety of deprivations from rape to discrimination. In reality Sonia Gandhi must be commented for her courage and rectitude to claim her rightful position in the Indian society, fighting bigotryalone in an alien land every hour of the day. This alone makes her real worth greater than the $19 billion she is supposed to have stolen from her compatriots. Though Forbes or Business Insider has not provided proof of Sonia Gandhi's total assets, for anyone interested in her bank balance, there is published informationavailable, which appears to be closer to the truth.
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