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Why is the thirty year return of Saturn sinister for some?
Saturn, the Vedic astrology says,
is a planet which makes human beings pay up for their past and present Karma
before they die. Keralite astrologers even believe that those who die on a
Saturday would have attained the end of the rebirth cycle, which the Hindus
believe is the route God has prescribed for living beings to attain salvation
and eternal peace.
Does the cyclical return of
Saturn after thirty years to its original position spell doom and gloom for at
least some people? Is that why exactly thirty years after her tragic assassination,
India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is mercilessly being assassinated again?
Isn't the attempt of the current
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to wipe out her name and her ultimate scarifies
for India, exactly on the thirtieth anniversary of her assassination, nothing less than
another assassination of her, thirty years after her death?
While he could have
chosen another day for that, he chose the thirtieth anniversary of her tragic death for inflicting the political blow. Is it due to celestial compulsions?
Narendra Modi called the anti Sikh riots of Delhi, which ensued the cold blooded murder of Indira
Gandhi to avenge her courage to put down the Sikh
separatist who wanted to divide India, as the deepest strike of a knife on
India’s unity.
His words are perhaps a deeper cut on the greatness of Indira Gandhi than those inflicted by hundreds of bullets shot by her own sikh body guards, which killed her.
His words are perhaps a deeper cut on the greatness of Indira Gandhi than those inflicted by hundreds of bullets shot by her own sikh body guards, which killed her.
It may be a mere coincidence that Indira was
assassinated on the birth day of Sardar Patel, but that the BJP and its leader
had to wait thirty years to unashamedly raise the greatness of Sardar Patel, who
died as a lifelong Congressman who really banned their party must have
something to do with the celestial movements.
The question is why didn’t that happen
earlier or later? Has it got something to do with Saturn, which is assumed to
change its position in the coming days?
One can argue that astrology doesn’t apply to dead souls. But Vedic
astrology indeed concedes that a human life span could be as long as 120 years.
If Indira Gandhi somehow survived the attempt on her life thirty years back and
were alive today, Narendra Modi will still try to obliterate her politically
by whatever he can shout to the crowds, It is not difficult for even a
school child to see that the state election for Punjab, in which BJP will contest
alone is not that far away.
Thankfully, Vedic astrology doesn’t
judge the Karma of human beings in isolation from the rest who will share the
good and bad of yours. It weights and blends yours with those of your spouse,
children, parents, close relations, dependants and friends.
For Rahul Gandhi at least, whose
Grant Mother was assassinated when Saturn occupied its loftiest position with
Burning Sun in company, in the house of Libra, thirty years back, the very same
planets have occupied Libra again to witness the second assassination of his
Grant Mother.
In fact Saturn was there for the
past two years which has seen the worst spell of fortune for the whole family. Undoubtedly
periods Saturn’s loftiest state is the worst time for the Gandhi family,
judging from the events in thirty years and the tragedies and political losses.
Even though Indira Gandhi died
during the dasa of Saturn, a period in life where you may have the severest of
set back and toils, Saturn’s wrath and graces were more or less balanced for
her. However the thirty year cyclical movement certainly meant disaster to
Indira Gandhi and her kith and kin every time it visited his position of high
strength, the house of Libra.
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Posted by Unknown
The fault in the stars of Sasi Tharoor
As the story goes, Draupathi, wife of the Pandavas in the Indian epic of Mahabharata, asked a poignant question to Lord Krishna, who was about to embark on a peace mission to appease the Kauravas, the arch enemies of the Pandavas.
The latest controversy in the life of Sasi Tharoor, once a candidate for the post of the U N Secretary General, reminds of this episode and beacons the question what his deceased wife Sunanda Pushkar would be asking him if she was still alive. Sasi Tharoor and Sunanda Pushkar had a brief life together reminiscent of "The fault In Our Stars", the latest romantic flick enthralling film lovers of the world.
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Sunanda Sasi - Photo by Indiatimes |
The Fault In Our Stars may not replace "Love Story" at least in the hearts of the baby boom generation, but will resonate with the story of romance, jealousy, sacrifice, union and tragedy the amazing short life of Sasi Tharoor with the beautiful Sunanda Pushkar in the hearts of a lot of younger Indians.
Draupathi, who was disrobed and humiliated in public by the Kauravas in front of her five powerful husbands, asked the lord if he forgot why her hair, which she had wowed to leave loose till the Kauravas were annihilated, was not plaited.
It is only natural that Sunanda, who was once called Rs 50 Crores girl friend of Tharoor by his political foe Narendra Modi, would have questioned Sasi Tharoor with no less vehemence and rage at the overture of her husband to the same man.
There are none so blind as those who won’t see. How can a person with the highest of education and international exposure miss the danger posed by the blind ambition of a person like Narendra Modi?
Narendra Modi has not apologised to Sunanda Pushkar before or after death which beacons the question what has made Sasi Tharoor to warm up to someone who has not only insulted him and his wife but even his government headed by Dr Man Mohan Singh by his snide and thoughtless remarks, especially when the ex Prime Minister had promptly asked for his resignation instead of defending a brilliant minister of his team.
Friday, June 06, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Did fighting Indian corruption rob Sonia Gandhi’s UPA of victory in the 2014 election?
Amid all that euphoria of the
massive election victory of the BJP, when the whole world was impatiently
watching the steps of its would be Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, what captured
the attention of the media was a bizarre
thanks giving meeting organised by it.
Several senior leaders of the BJP
who won the recent election assembled to felicitate Baba Ramdev, who was conspicuously
absent from the meet and media glare, who helped them win the election by his blessings, which were more mundane than divine.
However the party can neither acknowledge
nor felicitate the sources of the massive funds behind its campaign so openly,
though someday somehow favours will have to be returned. For now, one Indian,
who set out to expose and prevent corruption in India is languishing in the Tiharjail.
Arvind Kejeriwal and his AAP were
broke even before he found he had no money to bail himself out. He had
acknowledged long time back that his party had no funds to take on the NDA and
the UPA in the parliamentary election, a political reality glaring at him he
refused to see before setting out on his mission.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Arvind Kejriwal,
Mamta Banerjee,
Narendra Modi,
Sonia Gandhi,
How Rahul Gandhi, Amul Baby of India Has Become the David Of Indian Politics.
All of a sudden, the story of David and Goliath has once again been enacted in Delhi, which 1.3 billion Indians proudly call the seat of their democracy.
It is believed that the original purpose of the story was to show the identity of David, the champion of the God of Israel, as the true king of Israel, who could kill Goliath, the representative of paganism with the help of God.
Rahul Gandhi, often ridiculed by his political opposition and the Indian press as "Amul (a brand of milk in India) Baby" for his un assuming and low key leadership, seems to have done nothing less by his openness and courageous stand against a piece of legislation which would have continued to protect criminals who get elected as representatives.
Rahul Gandhi has surprised India and the world with a few spontaneous but thunderous words dispelling all notions of lack of leadership and trouncing a the painstakingly created image of Narendra Modi of the BJP as a political Goliath and the only person worthy to be the prime minister of India.
It is believed that the original purpose of the story was to show the identity of David, the champion of the God of Israel, as the true king of Israel, who could kill Goliath, the representative of paganism with the help of God.
Rahul Gandhi, often ridiculed by his political opposition and the Indian press as "Amul (a brand of milk in India) Baby" for his un assuming and low key leadership, seems to have done nothing less by his openness and courageous stand against a piece of legislation which would have continued to protect criminals who get elected as representatives.
Rahul Gandhi has surprised India and the world with a few spontaneous but thunderous words dispelling all notions of lack of leadership and trouncing a the painstakingly created image of Narendra Modi of the BJP as a political Goliath and the only person worthy to be the prime minister of India.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Do the Character and the Events in the Life of Narendra Modi Validate Vedic Astrology?
There is at least one head of a political
party in India who demand that aspiring candidates for party seats during elections
approach her with their Vedic horoscopes in hand. Only the ones with the best
disposition of the stars and a winning streak are selected. This is a leader
who believes that she herself is destined to become the Prime Minister of
Such is the trust in Vedic
Astrology in the 21st century India
where the system is said to have originated and where even a mission to
Mars is undertaken only after ensuring heavenly blessings.
It is likely that, despite
opposition of different kinds and various degrees within his party, Narendra
Modi, a Guajarati by birth and an outsider to the Hindi speaking heartland of
the BJP, has really won the nomination based on his Vedic chart, which the BJP
leaders rooted in Hindutwa must have realised is their best ticket for power in
It is because, going by the
principles of Vedic Astrology, once the esoteric knowledge of an elite group of
seers, the Vedic Horoscope of Narendra Modi stand out as a certificate for its
veracity and authenticity.
That is, assuming some party
genius didn’t conceive and cast it to suit a Prime Ministerial candidate in the
first place and simply claimed that it
belongs to Narendra Modi.
Friday, May 02, 2014
Posted by Unknown
The North South Divide of India Narendra Modi Can Bring Back.
Everyone agrees that the self
appointed next Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is a fragmenting
character. Did the US Ambassador to India, Nancy Powell see the writings on the
wall and decided to throw in the towel because Washington won’t see?
Can the United States and the
rest of the world, already beleaguered by a divisive and aggressive Putin in
Europe, deal with a North South divide of a strong India, a guarantee against aggressive
China, on top of all other kinds of splintering Narendra Modi seems to have
abetted so far?
To list out the divisions Modi
has achieved so far, critics can point out his hype of Gujarat Model
Development, his professed Urban support base, his orchestrated cyber follower
base, the blind admiration of young techies he has mustered and numerous other
factors which the rest of India lack, as Modi’s own versus the rest of India
which divide the fabric of India in some
undesirable way.
“Give me three hundred seats and I will empower
the nation” Narendra Modi , who has so
far been refused a US visa on account of his role in 2002 religious riots in
Gujarat, has stated in a pre election speech.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Posted by Unknown
If It Is Time India Really Had A Lower Caste Prime Minister Why Maya Is Much More of an Obama Than Namo

Mayavathi, four terms Chief Minister of India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, is its most famous Dalit (lower caste) leader who aspire to be its Prime Minister one day.
Much like Barack Obama is for Blacks, Hispanics and a host of other groups of the American political divide, Mayavathi is an Icon and hope for millions of lower caste Hindus of India, who aspire for better opportunities still denied to them despite 60 years of Independence.
If Mayavathi had once sent an aircraft to fetch her a pair of footwear, or showed off a diamond necklace in a mass rally, she had strong reasons which you and I didn't need to know but meant a lot to her followers, not just the whims of a vain woman.
Mayavathi is no body's fool. She certainly wasn't showing off the 'Taylor-Burton diamond' of a love affair or was out to stun the world enhancing her beauty like Imelda Marcos.
Since her public actions and pronouncements time to time reveal chinks of mettle and strength of character worthy of a Prime Minister of India, which most of her critics have failed to notice, she had perhaps valid reason for her famous caprices too.
What if Mayavathi had simply wanted to show millions of her Dalit compatriots what they have a right to, like wearing expensive jewellery like the rich of India, thereby awakening their sense of their rightful place in society?
Many of her recent political manures and supportive actions for the ruling UPA in parliament on critical legislation similarly smack of mature political thinking. Her concern for the nation above parochial indulgence is evident from her recent dig on Narendra Modi, three times Chief Minister of neighbouring state of Gujrath, who she declared is not fit to be a leader of India.
That Mayavathi managed to muster the necessary majority support to rule the state four times as chief minister with the support of other parties and also render decisive outside support to the coalition governments at the centre is proof that this trained teacher has the knack of keeping her class together till the bells ring.
Much has already been written how her social engineering skills have taken the wind out of the sails of the Congress party, which has ruled India for the bulk of the decades after its independence.
Unlike the Congress which traditionally had the support of the upper class of Indian society and thrived on an inclusive plank to carry the lower classes by championing their cause, Mayavathi has shown, time and again, that the majority lower caste offering a real partnership for the upper caste is a better vote winning formula.
Mayavathi has shown that she will base her election strategy on this tried and trusted formula, which can also work beyond the boundaries of her own state, as eventually it can give the same level of satisfaction to the masses as what the congress party, popular in many states, promise.
In several ways, the inclusive approach of Mayavathi, a leader of the under privileged lower classes of India, which has a sizable majority, good enough to claim the chair of the Prime Minister of the country, resemble that of the US Democrats who found an acceptable and capable leader in Barack Obama.
In contrast, the approach of Narendra Modi, whose supporters claim he could be India's answer to President Obama, despite projecting a Gujrath Model development and supported by the Hindu fundamentalists is seen as divisive character.
Wait a minute, I hear you cry, what about the Taj corridor scam, the swindle of magnificent elephants and the disproportionate asset case against Mayavathi?
Actually, the Indian apex court has examined the allegations and all but rejected them as without sufficient base to prosecute Mayavathi.
If you view at the apparently extravagant government spending on the statues of Dalit leaders and her favourite elephants, from the point of view of millions of Dalits who remain underprivileged in the 21st century India, "They also serve who only stand and wait."
If you think the garlands spun from Rs thousand bank notes which are presented to Mayavathi during her rallies and meetings are obnoxious, you haven't dined in one of those fund raising dinners of the Republican party or made an on line donation to Barack Obama's election fund. In reality there is little difference and really nothing to complain about an indigenous way of party fund raising.
Don't you think it is a century or two early to talk about a corruption free government In a nation in the thick of development, in to which money is flowing in to from around the world?
Especially when it is almost a democratic right in India to be enticed with soaps to part with your vote, the most fundamental guarantor of fairness in society.
In a state where an Australian educated Engineer with a post graduate degree finds it imperative to promise and distribute laptops to win votes, after all talking about corruption, at least for now is pointless.
Akhilesh Yadav wouldn't have wanted of any of his mates or faculty from the Sydney Universty where he studied, to be around when he had to go through the bare necessities of Indian democratic system.
With the Congress party and the UPA really deserving a third term and a bigger parliamentary majority to deliver the progress they promised, much like President Obama deserved a second term, Mayavathi and India may have to wait a few more years for their Obama moment in national leadership. Reach Author Shred Pillai On Google
Friday, July 12, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Is the Presidential Mania of India's Narendra Modi Driving a Square Peg in Its Round Democratic System?
"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be moulded until they clothe ideas and disguise." ― Joseph Goebbels
There is at least one Indian politician who is the Chief Minister of the state of Gujrath,Narendra Modi, who seem to firmly believe in the Nazi theory of propaganda even now.
Modi thinks that by insanely pushing his "Gujrath Model" of governance for development, he can make 1.3 billion Indians believe that he can govern them like a POTUS and deliver prosperity.
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Modi thinks that by insanely pushing his "Gujrath Model" of governance for development, he can make 1.3 billion Indians believe that he can govern them like a POTUS |
At least that is what his Indo-US backers and millions of urban youth in India who try to emulate this expatriate Indian group of "business genius", want him and his party the BJP, which is desperate to regain power after two lost elections, to believe.
In reality, for American business, who count on these guys to steer key functions in billion dollar corporations and their lobby to win business in India through political connections, it is time for a reality check.
Judging from their comprehension of Indian history and recent political development and grasp of reality on the ground, those businesses which engage or trust them to deliver, don't seem to be standing on any solid ground.
What language Will the POTUS-I speak?
Anyone who speak of a POTUS style governance for India forgets that there is only ONE language the POTUS and the citizens of the US speak. In a country deeply divided by nearly 400 languages and dialects, steeped in as many different culture and traditions, what language the POTIS-I is going to speak to deliver governance.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Adolf Hitler,
Barack Obama,
Business News,
Joseph Goebbles,
Narendra Modi,
Has Lal Krishna Advani Just Saved India From a Fascist Future?
If L K Advani of the Indian political opposition BJP has done any favour to the ruling UPA alliance, it was his consistent attack of Dr Manmohan Singh, depicting him as a weak Prime Minister. Advani's strategy however backfired in the last election, because a lot of Indian's didn't buy his insinuation.
Now , L K Advani has proved, by his recent political flip flops, how he himself could be the weakest Prime Minister India can have, if he is ever elected, reminding everyone of his inherent lack of character and moral strength.
After all no one has forgotten how, Advani, as Indian Home Minister had sent back terrorists in Indian prison to Pakistan, succumbing to a terrorist highjack of an Indian flight.
Despite all that, in a way, L K Advani might have transformed himself to be the saviour of secular India by his obstructive politics, fully aware and conscious of the ultimate repercussions of his political moves, first by ostensibly skipping the Goa conclave of his party and then by resigning from key positions.
By ostensibly declaring the elevation of UP Chief Minister to a campaign position which has never existed in Indian Politics with great hoopla, the BJP has chosen Narendra Modi as the next Prime Minister of India, if elected to power.
Despite pretences to be otherwise, even novices in politics can see through the ploy of BJP. However they wrongly assume Modi is India a la fashion "Indira is India" clamour of the era of Prime minister Indira Gandhi.
By failing to recognise the looming danger of fascism cloaked in the religious movement of Hindutwa, the BJP leaders have shown themselves to be a lot without real moral strength.
In many ways, Mr Advani and Mr Modi, leader and follower-turned-adversaries, mirror each other: both are hard line and polarising leaders of their own generations. Only now, one appears to be ranged against the other, and at stake is the future of the BJP.
They have all, including L K Advani, succumbed to the power of Hindutwa, loaded out in votes by its owner and disposer RSS, a political set up disguised as a religious body, to which each of them has politically mortgaged their integrity and independence.
Though ostensibly the clamour is against Narendra Modi, who can't recognise the damage he does to himself and the Indian political balance by his demeanour and pronouncements, the real villain and danger is the agenda of RSS.
In fact, by creating several hurdles to prevent the investiture of Narendra Modi as secular India's prime minister by RSS, albeit to leave another chance for himself to usurp the position, Advani has, at least for now saved India from the turmoil of a few fascist years and bloodshed that is bound to ensue.
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Many have seen Mr Advani as a divisive figure who exploited Hindu-Muslim tensions |
Now , L K Advani has proved, by his recent political flip flops, how he himself could be the weakest Prime Minister India can have, if he is ever elected, reminding everyone of his inherent lack of character and moral strength.
After all no one has forgotten how, Advani, as Indian Home Minister had sent back terrorists in Indian prison to Pakistan, succumbing to a terrorist highjack of an Indian flight.
Despite all that, in a way, L K Advani might have transformed himself to be the saviour of secular India by his obstructive politics, fully aware and conscious of the ultimate repercussions of his political moves, first by ostensibly skipping the Goa conclave of his party and then by resigning from key positions.
Omar Abdullah: "If his opinion didn't matter to you yesterday why is his resignation a crisis for you today?"The recent political drama enacted by Advani and his party men, who first ignored him by huddling up in Goa without him and falling at his feet next day, has exposed their moral and intellectual bankruptcy.
By ostensibly declaring the elevation of UP Chief Minister to a campaign position which has never existed in Indian Politics with great hoopla, the BJP has chosen Narendra Modi as the next Prime Minister of India, if elected to power.
Despite pretences to be otherwise, even novices in politics can see through the ploy of BJP. However they wrongly assume Modi is India a la fashion "Indira is India" clamour of the era of Prime minister Indira Gandhi.
By failing to recognise the looming danger of fascism cloaked in the religious movement of Hindutwa, the BJP leaders have shown themselves to be a lot without real moral strength.
Many have seen Mr Advani as a divisive figure who exploited Hindu-Muslim tensions, remembering him for the campaign he led to have a Hindu temple built on the site of a destroyed mosque in the ancient northern city of Ayodhya.
In many ways, Mr Advani and Mr Modi, leader and follower-turned-adversaries, mirror each other: both are hard line and polarising leaders of their own generations. Only now, one appears to be ranged against the other, and at stake is the future of the BJP.
They have all, including L K Advani, succumbed to the power of Hindutwa, loaded out in votes by its owner and disposer RSS, a political set up disguised as a religious body, to which each of them has politically mortgaged their integrity and independence.
Though ostensibly the clamour is against Narendra Modi, who can't recognise the damage he does to himself and the Indian political balance by his demeanour and pronouncements, the real villain and danger is the agenda of RSS.
In fact, by creating several hurdles to prevent the investiture of Narendra Modi as secular India's prime minister by RSS, albeit to leave another chance for himself to usurp the position, Advani has, at least for now saved India from the turmoil of a few fascist years and bloodshed that is bound to ensue.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Posted by Unknown
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