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Sonia Gandhi
How Rahul Gandhi, Amul Baby of India Has Become the David Of Indian Politics.
Posted by :Unknown
Sunday, May 11, 2014||PERMALINK
Amul Baby,
Indira Gandhi,
Narendra Modi,
Rahul Gandhi,
Sonia Gandhi
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It is believed that the original purpose of the story was to show the identity of David, the champion of the God of Israel, as the true king of Israel, who could kill Goliath, the representative of paganism with the help of God.
Rahul Gandhi, often ridiculed by his political opposition and the Indian press as "Amul (a brand of milk in India) Baby" for his un assuming and low key leadership, seems to have done nothing less by his openness and courageous stand against a piece of legislation which would have continued to protect criminals who get elected as representatives.
Rahul Gandhi has surprised India and the world with a few spontaneous but thunderous words dispelling all notions of lack of leadership and trouncing a the painstakingly created image of Narendra Modi of the BJP as a political Goliath and the only person worthy to be the prime minister of India.
"This day Jehovah will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that God saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is God's, and he will give you into our hand."
Though David had to remind his opponent Goliath of the importance of being on the right side of goodness and justice, Rahul Gandhi didn't have to address his opponent to radically change the Indian political equation and trounce his Goliath in the bargain.
All Rahul impatiently blurted out in a sudden and unplanned appearance in a press conference were a few ordinary words of a young Indian, which will surely go down in the history of democracy, for the profound changes they are bound to make in the politics of the future In India and countries looking up to it.
"My opinion of the ordinance is that it is complete nonsense and should be torn up and thrown away."
However, for political observers and millions of Indians who were eagerly looking up to Rahul to somehow get in to the perceived leadership vacuum despite his assuming the role of the vice president of the congress party months before, those few words a stamp of authority and real power he has wielded for some time.
The reason is, no one would have dared to pronounce such a blatant disapproval of what his party's own government, headed by Dr Man Mohan Singh tried to do which was widely thought to have the backing of top Congress leaders and his own mother Sonia, the President of the congress party.
The legislation, in the form of an ordinance issued in a hurry would have saved a key political ally from prison and a number of legislatures of all parties facing similar predicament, ensuring wide support for the ruling alliance to win the next round of elections.
Besides, the ordinance also symbolised the supremacy of the elected body over the branch of justice by overthrowing an order of the supreme court, which politicians across the board would have enjoyed doing.
However , unknown to the leadership, a real swell of public resentment, magnified in the backdrop of allegations of various scams and opportunistic clamour by the opposition had built up which would seriously dented the credibility and electability of the UPA.
The real political genius and un ambiguous proof of leadership of Rahul Gandhi has blossomed in his ability to correctly judge the mood of the nation and act in time with enough force, which was always at his disposal, to remedy the situation.
In many ways Rahul Gandhi's instinct to judge the public mood and boldness to act are reminiscent of another great leader, his grant mother and past Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.
What Rahul has done and achieved is no less than the legendary act of Nationalisation of the banks declared by a young Madam Gandhi braving the establishment and Congress leadership of the time. The courage Rahul has shown in denouncing the ordinance despite the ire and apparent damage it could cause to his own party and government is akin to what Indira Gandhi showed in repealing the emergency, which she recognised as a huge mistake.
Some are born great, some attain greatness by their own merit, but it is doubtful if greatness can be imposed on anyone one merely by lobbying and political propaganda.
It is also doubtful if anyone can call Rahul Gandhi an Amul Baby anymore.
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