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Posted by :Unknown
Friday, June 06, 2014||PERMALINK
Man Mohan Singh,
Narendra Modi,
Sasi Tharoor,
Sunanda Pushkar,
The fault In Our Stars
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As the story goes, Draupathi, wife of the Pandavas in the Indian epic of Mahabharata, asked a poignant question to Lord Krishna, who was about to embark on a peace mission to appease the Kauravas, the arch enemies of the Pandavas.
The latest controversy in the life of Sasi Tharoor, once a candidate for the post of the U N Secretary General, reminds of this episode and beacons the question what his deceased wife Sunanda Pushkar would be asking him if she was still alive. Sasi Tharoor and Sunanda Pushkar had a brief life together reminiscent of "The fault In Our Stars", the latest romantic flick enthralling film lovers of the world.
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Sunanda Sasi - Photo by Indiatimes |
The Fault In Our Stars may not replace "Love Story" at least in the hearts of the baby boom generation, but will resonate with the story of romance, jealousy, sacrifice, union and tragedy the amazing short life of Sasi Tharoor with the beautiful Sunanda Pushkar in the hearts of a lot of younger Indians.
Draupathi, who was disrobed and humiliated in public by the Kauravas in front of her five powerful husbands, asked the lord if he forgot why her hair, which she had wowed to leave loose till the Kauravas were annihilated, was not plaited.
It is only natural that Sunanda, who was once called Rs 50 Crores girl friend of Tharoor by his political foe Narendra Modi, would have questioned Sasi Tharoor with no less vehemence and rage at the overture of her husband to the same man.
There are none so blind as those who won’t see. How can a person with the highest of education and international exposure miss the danger posed by the blind ambition of a person like Narendra Modi?
Narendra Modi has not apologised to Sunanda Pushkar before or after death which beacons the question what has made Sasi Tharoor to warm up to someone who has not only insulted him and his wife but even his government headed by Dr Man Mohan Singh by his snide and thoughtless remarks, especially when the ex Prime Minister had promptly asked for his resignation instead of defending a brilliant minister of his team.
Now Narendra Modi has done even more damage to Sasi Tharoor and his Congress Party. He has managed to practically wipe it out of the political map of India, using tactics and propaganda and religious polarisation, none of which would be deemed fit for any democracy.
The fact that Modi, someone who has not only abandoned his duly married wife for his entire like and never spoke about her, had no compunction in passing such remarks about Sunanda Pushkar, is enough to strike him out of any civilised person’s book because it clearly exposes the despicable working of his mind.
The endorsement of Narendra Modi, in whatever form by a congress leader is degrading of everything the party stands for not because of the heavy loss it has suffered in the election but for the despicable and devious means Modi had resorted to as an individual to achieve his aim.
That not just as one of the few leaders who were just successful to just through the vicious attack but also someone who had to endure indelible personal humiliation has found it fit to shower any form of praise on Narendra Modi is indeed incomprehensible.
Unless there are hidden reasons, the act of Sasi Tharoor constitute great misjudgement which amount to insulting his party and its leaders who so readily accepted him and nurtured him.
How can Sasi Tharoorignore the repercussions of the divisive and dangerous politics Modi and the JP has played? How can he be one not notice the angst and jitters that has descended on free expression which makes everyone only praise Narendra Modi. How come he doesn’t wonder whatever has happened to 2002 and the FIRs which no one wants to remember or talk about?
Only Sasi Tharoor can answer. However whatever explanation he might have for his rapprochement to Narendra Modi, be it out of the ethics and decency he acquired working abroad for a long time, be it out his inane goodness, India is not a place such things are understood and reciprocated.
Narendra Modi has not shown so far as he is someone evolved enough to raise above his mistakes and say sorry. If anything India is heading for a bleak and divided future, those are the signs for now at least.
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There are none so blind as those who won’t see. How can a person with the highest of education and international exposure miss the danger posed by the blind ambition of a person like Narendra Modi?