Got a Blog? Need free content ? Paybookclub Content Box is what you need

Whatever your motivation, you took the plunge and started you own Blog on your own website or on one of the free blogging platforms.  You were excited. It looked great for a while. Then what?

Call it writer’s block, exhaustion of ideas, lack of time, your otherwise sagging business.... whatever.
You are suddenly confronted with a familiar problem. The lack of fresh content for your blog to keep  your visitors interested and coming back for more.

It is not just the human visitors who lose the interest. It is also Googles robots and other search engines which crawl your pages for updates and new content. You are stuck and your Blog gets a bit stale and even starts to rot.

That is where  Paybookclub, the new AI driven content platform on cloud, comes as your savvier.
Paybookclub is a social network App on mobile phones which pays cash for the content its members otherwise upload on the social media and monetises for its members.

Paybookclub has released an innovative Content Box which dynamically shows the content posted by its members on your site.

The Paybookclub Content Box is free and can be placed on any web page by just pasting this simple code anywhere in your page HTML. It is so simple to do like inserting a  Hyperlink on your page.

<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;"> <object type="text/html" data="" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;"> </object> </div>

Once you have inserted the code and saved your HTML, the Content Box will appear on your page when you update it.

It will keep updating every time your page is refreshed with new content generated by members of Paybookclub who upload fresh, genuine and interesting content to share with others.

Paybookclub is new and just starting. So the content box is free for now and shows all content monetised by its members.

When fully launched, you can control the nature of the content shown in the box placed on your page to suit your site or blog.

You can chose topics and key words and how often you would like it refresh, beside other parameters.
Right now the Content Box is free and going Viral. It could be a solution to keep your Blog interesting for your readers. As the code can be copied easily by clicking the Blue Button at the bottom of the box, it can even bring new visitors to your site, looking for the code.

Why not try this Dynamic content Box now? It won’t cost you anything and may add an interesting feature to your web page your visitors will enjoy.

Fourteen compelling reasons to check out this mobile app as a replacement for Facebook(TM) on your mobile

Paybookclub is a futuristic, cloud based, AI driven content creation and monetising platform built on a social network on mobiles.

Paybookclub Cash for Content aims to be the Content Marketplace of the World by providing cloud based infrastructure and services for networking, publishing and sharing content.
It will include a user friendly content display, value enhancement, sales, payment and tracking services for members and corporations.
Here are fourteen features of Paybokclub Cash for Content App you can download free from Google play or App store which must persuade you to give it a try.

1) Safe and Secure Network. OTP cell number verification and Bio metric login ensure that there are no FAKE accounts besides keeping you and your content safe from hackers. You can create a public profile of your choice. Login becomes fast and easy.

2) Comprehensive group building. In addition to separate groups for Friends, Family, Members, and Sponsors, Pending group allow to handle friend requests. While you can invite friends and family in your private groups, the App will help to chose psychologically and socially matched friends like in real life. You can chose only sponsors you like in to the Sponsor group.

3) Distinct Group wise Time Lines. You have separate Time Lines for Friends, Family, Public, and Sponsors. You can post to your own Private Time Like a journal. My posts Timeline shows all your posts chronologically.

4) A Variety of Content Types. You can chose the type of content you like to post from a revolving menu. Each category of content will be formatted for its type. An AI driven content evaluation system will determine the relevance and value to enhance monetising. A default minimum value is assigned to each type of content.

5) Elaborate Post Screen. The post update area is customised for each type of content allowing or input of attributes to make your post most attractive to members and search engines. The post screen will have AI features to maximise your creativity according to your mood.

6) Versatile Timeline Window. Your post update will be presented in a AI active window which will adapt to the mood of the viewer to elicit best reaction, like, share and comment so that it can achieve the number of likes required for monetising as fast as possible.

7) Cash for Likes and Shares. We will publish your Private status posts to your friends and your
Public status posts to the entire community and will enourage them
to like, share and comment by offering cash reward for each like, share and comment.

8) Content monetising. Based on the number of likes, shares and comments, AI driven system will help the content to go "viral" and enhance its value. Eligible content can be monetised by members and an AI driven system to hundred of web sites to generate revenue for content owners and members who monetise.

9) Transparent Accounting. The Account Page will show real time updated account of all the money members have earned. The Account page will have settings for Bank and other payment gateways and for withdrawal when fully launched and ready for payment. A minimum of $30 must accrue in the account before money can be withdrawn.

10) Gift Coupons For Posts. Paybookclub App and Network are under development and need member support at this stage. Till a fully developed payment system is in place, members will be rewarded by Gift Coupons (In available regions) from leading providers for each post.

11) Free Games. A large number of free services for members will be a main feature of the App when fully launched. Currently a number of On line games are available. An on line chat facility is also available for member support.

12) Revenue Generation. We will generate revenue through various channels and in App advertising to pay you for your content as well as the likes, shares
and comments you offer to others. We will also pay First Million Active members a monthly loyalty bonus for time spent on Paybookclub.

13) Easy Sharing with Friends. You can invite friends and also post invitations on Social Media without having to type anything through the SHARE feature. Invitation messag will be automatically filled in your chosen messenger app or Social media App to sent just by a click.

14) Rich Features. download and check out Paybookclub App to see all available features from an extensive menu.

Can the giants of social media be challenged to mend their ways?

Will social media giants ever pay you cash for your content which makes them big money? Asks an obscure Brexit hit British firm which thinks it is time the big corporations cared for the little guys.

The logic behind a new Social Network called Paybookclub Cash for Content, which runs on mobile phones as a simple App, goes like this : Usually on social media, the average person will share their photo or their witty status. Although the post is that users’ property, companies across the social network will repost or repurpose the content and the person who posted it will get nothing.

Paybookclub aims to challenge this kind of behaviour by rewarding the users who share their content and who receive likes or shares from their followers. It is the aim of Paybookclub to become the global marketplace for content where millions will find gainful employment for a lifetime.”

In a bid to change the status quo, Paybookclub Cash for Content is giving a million customers the chance to own shares in the company during this Christmas and festive season. The shares that are being offered to customers include a free mobile membership for the social network, and will carry other rewards such as a loyalty bonus.

The social site operates by rewarding its users for posting their content on its platform, allowing them to earn cash for every like and share they receive on their posts, as well as money for time spent on the network.

The Paybookclub Cash for Content App, which can be downloaded free from Google Play, the App store and from the networks’ own website, is a feature rich social network where you can have all the fun you normally have with your friends and family on social networks, with an extra layer of security as all accounts are required to be verified.

The social network was developed by Capexsales Ltd, a marketing firm based in the West Midlands, to offer people an alternative to Facebook and other social networking sites. The primary difference with Paybookclub is the monetary incentives and increased levels of safety it offers. Users not only feel completely safe using the platform, but they’re also able make money for their time spent browsing social media on a daily basis.

Paybookclub has now launched the Sign Up Million Members campaign, giving details of the company shares scheme, as well as further information on the offer of a free membership and loyalty scheme in the terms of service on the company’s website –

Apart from setting an innovative trend in social networking, Paybookclub offers tomorrow’s technology today, ensuring the highest security to members with fingerprint/iris scan and encryption. Paybookclub app is just a front end for a fast and highly scalable web application based on Mongo DB™, AWS™, sophisticated analytics and PUSH communication. One of the new features to be introduced is screening of full length movies which will address the piracy problem in the industry.

The unending source of good content for SEO demoed on Paybookclub Social Network

We have tried to call the attention of the world SEO community to Paybookclub, the new social network on mobile phones which rewards its members for their posts, likes and shares, as the new goldmine for fresh content in an earlier article.

Newer versions of the Paybookclub App have been released both in Google Play and App Store recently, incorporating a demo of how  fresh content posted by paybookclub members will be piped to a client’s website in real time. In fact the new versions have a whole load of features built in which makes paybookclub a formidable social platform from which you could avail of a multitude of services.

On registration or log in you will be presented with a screen on which there are 4 Tabs; TIMELINE-FRIENDS-ACCOUNT and ACTIVITY, each with its own bottom menu comprising of six selection icons, and 3 top action buttons for QUICK action.

As a bonus, you have the more familiar hamburger icon for a menu on the top left of the screen which can be revealed by clicking on it or simply by a left to right sweep on the left edge of the screen. The menu presents links to the top tabs as well as to a number of web pages on the website with related information and services. The hamburger indeed is a life saver if you get lost elsewhere in this impressive social network.

However, the one key feature which makes this amazing App so compelling to use is its tiny POST button by the side of the header on the TIMELINE tab. By clicking on this button you are presented with a unique, animated, revolving menu listing out the different type of content you can post , to a variety of audience like friends, family, public, sponsored and even for yourself, as in a journal or diary. Apart from revolving like a roulette wheel to inspire you for an idea for your post if you are suffering from a mild writer’s block, each  content category also has a reward tag to entice you to be creative and produce some content from your hidden talent.

Once you insert your photo and related text, you can choose to which of your audience group you want your content to be shown, from a drop-down menu before you click the POST button. Once the button is clicked it takes a few seconds for your content to be uploaded which will be presented in the timeline of the group you have selected.  However you can see and make sure your update has been posted and saved in the server from the MY Posts menu at the bottom.

Paybookclub currently  has a demo in which you can click on a “ Monetisze this (Demo)” link on any update posted to the Public Timeline which will take both the post and yourself to the main page of website to demonstrate how fresh and real content can be brought to your own website with some additional traffic of folks who want to see how it works by using the Demo.

To see all this in action, you need to get the Paybookclub App from Google Play/ App store or from

the download page of

Paybookclub Content Box

Get this Free auto refreshing Content Box for your website Now!

If you are looking for free content for your web site, it is right here.To increase your Google Page Rank and page hits, get this free auto updating content box on your page. Just copy and paste this code in your page html and watch your site updating with free and fresh content without you lifting a finger.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;"> <object type="text/html" data="" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;"> </object> </div>
If you want to see how fresh content is generated automatically everytime your page is visited, please download our Paybookclub Cash for Content App and sign up. Then try posting your content on Public Timeline and click the "Monetise" link. You can see how your content will appear on thousands of web pages simultaneously in our content boxes. Dowload and try our free app now!
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