A nice line from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Politico.Eu). I have no
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Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
A miracle of sorts or the stars having their say!
It is only a few days since I wrote about a strong co-relation between the recent transit of the planet Jupiter and life changing events around the world.
As ever, I had been a keen observer of the celestial movements and how those movements influence my life, hoping that I can learn from the pattern and prepare myself for the future, if not change it to my liking.
I have learned that, in rapid succession to the relocation of the planet Jupiter in April, the celestial malefic twins of the Vedic astrology, Rahu and Kethu were changing their positions in the second half of May, the exact date and time being depend on different calculations.
I didn’t know what this meant to the world, but guessed that personally their new position might not bring in any good news.
Sadly, though to the satisfaction of my curiosity, my hunch has turned out o be not too far from the reality.
What has greeted me last week was the news of the relatively unexpected death of a person very close to a dear friend.
All right, it is only a loss to a friend, not to me, but it is all depends how you feel about your friends, I suppose. Actually talking to my friend, made me sad for the loss of my close friend.
This was followed, two days back, by the demise of another person close to the same friend, who practically had the same relationship with my friend. It was a cardiac arrest, not expected at all of a person my friend wanted to visit, but couldn’t for reasons only destiny decides.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Posted by Unknown
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