A nice line from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Politico.Eu). I have no
well-informed view on the proper role of… The post "500M Europeans Are
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The Almost Human Tabs of Huffington Post
Article first published as The Almost Human Tabs of Huffington Post on Technorati.
A few years back the question was how much human the computer can become. Now the question is how much human the internet can be.
The tabs on the Huffington post are the closest I think the Internet technology has got to eliciting human emotions and communicating to others. I discovered this accidentally.
I had wandered on to the entertainment page on HuffPo on a piece of news about Russell Brand. Though I don’t know much about Russell, as I live in the UK, I have come across some TV shows and news item about him. I guess he was a celebrity presenter on an award function for something but what remains in memory is a Radio 2 row where he and his co presenter, Jonathan Ross I suppose, said some thing weird.
Anyway “weird” is the impression I have about Russell, probably etched in my mind from his hair style. You know the first impressions always count! I have no intention to offend Russell Brand or his admirers. I must reiterate that I don’t mean to belittle Russell Brand, his achievements, his contributions to the humanity or his celebrity status, which obviously is important enough for him to figure on the front page of Huffington Post. I just didn’t get the time or opportunity or need to know more about him. That explains why the “weird” feeling stuck in my mind.

Tabs with labels can elicit human emotions an prompt you to express.
When I glanced through the news item about Russell Brand being deported from Japan on the entertainment page of the Huffington Post yesterday, I noticed for the first time, below the photo a set of tabs with labels, one of them being “weird” and a navigation title “REACT”. To my surprise I clicked on it instinctively, without even thinking what it meant or will produce as a result of the click.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Posted by Unknown
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