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Showing posts with label FRASIER. Show all posts
Is On Line Radio the next big thing in Social Healing?
FRASIER, epitomizing the fallacy of radio as a medium for social healing, is one of my all time favourite TV shows. However, technology has now the power to render the humble FM radio a veritable social healing medium for the whole world!
FM stations, now available on line to a worldwide audience, can play a powerful role in social healing as this radio show from Dubai proves.
TV has revolutionised social interaction in communities on national levels through talk shows, reality shows, celebrity shows like X Factor and Oprah Winfry, mostly carried on the shoulders of their celebrity hosts.
Though these shows bring people together, around a common cause or interest, and have enormous entertainment value, their role in providing a reprieve for human pain and agony in day to day life is quite limited. At best, people watch them out of curiosity or boredom. Most TV shows do not leave something behind to lighten your burden, or give you the relief in opening up to someone!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Posted by Unknown
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