Rajesh Motibhai Patel, a physician at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center
in Decatur, Georgia, has been sentenced to two years… The post Brickbat:
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Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Got a Blog? Need free content ? Paybookclub Content Box is what you need
Whatever your motivation, you
took the plunge and started you own Blog on your own website or on one of the
free blogging platforms. You were
excited. It looked great for a while. Then what?
Call it writer’s block,
exhaustion of ideas, lack of time, your otherwise sagging business....
You are suddenly confronted with
a familiar problem. The lack of fresh content for your blog to keep your visitors interested and coming back for
It is not just the human visitors
who lose the interest. It is also Googles robots and other search engines which
crawl your pages for updates and new content. You are stuck and your Blog gets
a bit stale and even starts to rot.
That is where Paybookclub, the new AI driven content
platform on cloud, comes as your savvier.
Paybookclub is a social network
App on mobile phones which pays cash for the content its members otherwise
upload on the social media and monetises for its members.
Paybookclub has released an
innovative Content Box which dynamically shows the content posted by its
members on your site.
The Paybookclub Content Box is
free and can be placed on any web page by just pasting this simple code
anywhere in your page HTML. It is so simple to do like inserting a Hyperlink on your page.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;">
<object type="text/html" data="https://paybookclub-v2.herokuapp.com/timelineOriginal.php" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;">
Once you have inserted the code
and saved your HTML, the Content Box will appear on your page when you update
It will keep updating every time
your page is refreshed with new content generated by members of Paybookclub who
upload fresh, genuine and interesting content to share with others.
Paybookclub is new and just
starting. So the content box is free for now and shows all content monetised by
its members.
When fully launched, you can
control the nature of the content shown in the box placed on your page to suit
your site or blog.
You can chose topics and key
words and how often you would like it refresh, beside other parameters.
Right now the Content Box is free
and going Viral. It could be a solution to keep your Blog interesting for your
readers. As the code can be copied easily by clicking the Blue Button at the
bottom of the box, it can even bring new visitors to your site, looking for the
Why not try this Dynamic content
Box now? It won’t cost you anything and may add an interesting feature to your
web page your visitors will enjoy.
Monday, October 02, 2017
Posted by Unknown
How Your Blog Navigation Can Send Your Visitors Away!
If you were visiting a new town center or supermarket without any one to guide you what will you look for? Visitors to your blog are no different, they look for easy Navigation!
If you choose to have an out of the box presentation of your blog, like Lasting Rose, which has been dubbed a BLOGOID, it is all the more important to provide a good navigation of the site, toengage your visitors and persuade them to stay on and probe your contents.
One of the newer means of navigation in a blog which has been around for sometime, with several scores of postings to its credit, is the Tag Cloud, which you can build from the tags you attach to each of your posts. However, as your posts and tags grow, so does your cloud, which then become difficult to wade through and loose its attention.
However, Tag Cloud can be presented in new stunning eye catching ways by clever scripts from Way2Blogging like what they call a Wordle Type Flash Label Cloud, like the one installed on Lasting Rose. The advantage is the easy and distinctive readability of the cloud which gives a better chance for your topic to be browsed.
As the posts and tags grow, the Navigation becomes less manageable, with long lists of posts no one will wade through. The chances that visitors will attempt to look for older posts can greatly be improved if the lists can be condensed to easy drop down menus, which you can click to choose a particular label you are interested in. The drop Down Labels widget from spiceupyourblog can be easily installed and will greatly enhance the navigation of your site and give your visitors a good sense of being in control while they are on your site.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Looking for new ways to network and promote your blog ?
At my age, which I am leaving you to figure out, venturing in to something like blogging can be seen as a strong indication of a suicidal tendency.The unnecessary pressure you put yourself under, to write your blog, can easily do you in!
You feel like a student who had been fooling around the whole year, trying to catch up on the subjects you never learned in the first place, because you bunked your sessions and were busy with more interesting things in life.
But learn you must somehow in the limited time you have before your "exams", the new challenge you have taken upon yourself, to write readable posts. After all you want the whole world to flock to your blog like moths get attracted to a lone lantern. Don't you?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Paybookclub Content Box
Get this Free auto refreshing Content Box for your website Now!
If you are looking for free content for your web site, it is right here.To increase your Google Page Rank and page hits, get this free auto updating content box on your page. Just copy and paste this code in your page html and watch your site updating with free and fresh content without you lifting a finger.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;">
<object type="text/html" data="https://paybookclub-v2.herokuapp.com/timelineOriginal.php" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;">