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Why Enrica Lexie Is Growing Messier Like The Italian Pasta By The Hour?
Posted by :Unknown
Tuesday, April 03, 2012||PERMALINK
Enrica Lexie,
Our World,
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Don’t get this wrong. Enrica
Lexie sounds like the latest juicy revelation in the saga of former Italian
Prime Minister Berlusconi,
but it is merely the name of an Italian
vessel embroiled
in a legal and diplomatic tussle
between Italy
and India .
Initially catching little attention
of the western media, the row is now assuming some serious European dimension,
with Italian soldiers demonstrating in Rome
against the detention and legal action against two of their colleagues.
At the heart of the stand off and
‘argy bargy’ is the death of two unarmed Indian fishermen who were apparently
shot down by the two Italian soldiers who were on a anti piracy mission on
board the ship.
The arguments
and notoriously slow legal proceeding in India
has taken a toll, with the two soldiers locked up in an Indian prison and the
ship detained in the Indian port of Kochi
since several weeks.
What has been most surprising is
the appalling way both countries have handled the sensitive issue, each one not
without its own hidden compulsions, and public stance each country was obliged
to take.
For the new Italian Prime
minister Mario
Monti , there were more compelling matters to attend with the EU
economic crisis and the economy of Italy itself on the verge of a crisis
situation like that of Greece. However the way the Italians
have come out with out convincing and straight forward explanation of what
happened has not helped the matter and enabled the Indians to react helpfully
to solve the issue.
Besides, the Italian
authorities have also failed to grasp the political compulsions under which the
Indian government had to act in this matter.
For a start, Kerala,
which is the last place people still believe in communism has a party which
lost the recent election with slim margin and has an interest to politicise
every issue in order to win a crucial local election held in March. The ruling
congress party with slim majority and allegations of corruption with the
central government which they lead couldn’t afford to let the legal path take
its own course.
That Kerala
has a sizable Catholic population didn’t help, with Kerala Bishops facing
accusation of taking up for a Catholic foreign country.
Although, never mentioned
publicly, the most sensitive reason for the stiff Indian stance is nothing but
the Italian origin of Sonia
Gandhi, presiding over the Congress Party, currently ruling India
and several states including Kerala as the major coalition partner.
In the current upheaval based on
huge ‘perceived’ corruption with the central government, any effort to resolve
the issue quickly would be perceived as an “order” from Sonia to favour Italy
against the interests of India .
This gives little hope of the
Italian authorities finding a quick resolution of the issue. However the fact
that the by election is now over without serious damage to the image of the
congress party and with a convincing win give everyone some elbow room. There
is also the need to solve the issue before another by election now scheduled
for May.
What can be counted upon is the
good humour and awareness of political sensitivities of the enlightened
judiciary of the ‘God’s own country’ who is adept at playing the judicial game
to everyone’s satisfaction.
Article first published as Why
Enrica Lexie Is Getting Messier Like Italian Berlusconi Affair By The Day?
on Technorati.
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