The Court should settle the proximate-cause issue, not just aiding and
Showing posts with label social network. Show all posts
The unending source of good content for SEO demoed on Paybookclub Social Network
Newer versions of the Paybookclub App have been released both in Google Play and App Store recently, incorporating a demo of how fresh content posted by paybookclub members will be piped to a client’s website in real time. In fact the new versions have a whole load of features built in which makes paybookclub a formidable social platform from which you could avail of a multitude of services.
On registration or log in you will be presented with a screen on which there are 4 Tabs; TIMELINE-FRIENDS-ACCOUNT and ACTIVITY, each with its own bottom menu comprising of six selection icons, and 3 top action buttons for QUICK action.
As a bonus, you have the more familiar hamburger icon for a menu on the top left of the screen which can be revealed by clicking on it or simply by a left to right sweep on the left edge of the screen. The menu presents links to the top tabs as well as to a number of web pages on the website with related information and services. The hamburger indeed is a life saver if you get lost elsewhere in this impressive social network.
However, the one key feature which makes this amazing App so compelling to use is its tiny POST button by the side of the header on the TIMELINE tab. By clicking on this button you are presented with a unique, animated, revolving menu listing out the different type of content you can post , to a variety of audience like friends, family, public, sponsored and even for yourself, as in a journal or diary. Apart from revolving like a roulette wheel to inspire you for an idea for your post if you are suffering from a mild writer’s block, each content category also has a reward tag to entice you to be creative and produce some content from your hidden talent.
Once you insert your photo and related text, you can choose to which of your audience group you want your content to be shown, from a drop-down menu before you click the POST button. Once the button is clicked it takes a few seconds for your content to be uploaded which will be presented in the timeline of the group you have selected. However you can see and make sure your update has been posted and saved in the server from the MY Posts menu at the bottom.
Paybookclub currently has a demo in which you can click on a “ Monetisze this (Demo)” link on any update posted to the Public Timeline which will take both the post and yourself to the main page of website to demonstrate how fresh and real content can be brought to your own website with some additional traffic of folks who want to see how it works by using the Demo.
To see all this in action, you need to get the Paybookclub App from Google Play/ App store or from
the download page of
Friday, October 07, 2016
Posted by Unknown
paybookclub, a social network which admits only real and responsible people
There is a war on terror we all
know about which shows no sign of abetting, leave alone ending any time soon,
not even in a few generations to come!
Not many people are aware of a
war Facebook is secretly fighting, a war
on Fake Profiles. Officially Facebook has over 1.5 billion members who have
signed up. However Facebook had to routinely hunt out millions of fake accounts
being created by unscrupulous people,
profiting from a demand for fake fans and likes, using clever software and
It is not a menace just Facebook
is facing. In fact it affects Twitter too. Twitter had to weed out thousands of fake accounts in their struggle for keeping
the network clean.
Now that the US Presidential
election is only months away, even politicians are resorting to using fake accounts on social media to influence the electorate, despite close scrutiny by
the press and other activists.
It has become clear that just
depending on human decency and honesty along with a set of e mail address,
password and ip address is no more
enough to ensure that the signed up member is real and the person he or
she claims to be.
Combating this problem is not
easy. However there are signs that a verification of government issued ID
documentation is the only way to ensure a person’s true identity is becoming more clear to the big corporations, despite their
stated policies on personal data.
For example Facebook will ask you
to provide a copy of your ID document for simple log in deviation such as the location
or a different country you try to login from, especially if it is one of the
more suspicious locations for spurious activities such as India. will ask you for not
only ID proof like copy of your passport but also proof of your residential
address, much like a bank requires for opening an account, for opening a developer
account with them.
Fortunately, with the advancement
of technology like good quality photography on mobile phones, any one starting
a new Social Network venture like can take these precautions right at the beginning,
without putting the user to undue stress.
For example
registration has a few simple steps like taking your selfie, taking a scan or
photo of your ID proof and entering the ID number along with a few personal
details to ensure that you are a real person who joins the network and not a
piece of software or bot which can create an account in Facebook.
If you are worried about parting
with your personal data on line, just think of how many places you have handed
over these documents to be scanned and stored in some computer for some purpose.
Do you know what happens to your
scanned personal data or how it is protected? In fact protects your data in a variety of ways you will be happy to understand if only you were
keen to learn. The bottom line is, when you sign up for you can be
sure that you are in a network of real people who their government says are
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Posted by Unknown
Paybookclub Content Box
Get this Free auto refreshing Content Box for your website Now!
If you are looking for free content for your web site, it is right here.To increase your Google Page Rank and page hits, get this free auto updating content box on your page. Just copy and paste this code in your page html and watch your site updating with free and fresh content without you lifting a finger.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;">
<object type="text/html" data="" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;">