The Court should settle the proximate-cause issue, not just aiding and
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The Secret Of Finding a Great Title for Your Blog and Getting Everyone to Read Below It.
More than a decade ago, when I wanted to register my first domain, I didn't know what to call it. But I was excited at the feeling and fun of registering and becoming the proud owner of a domain when no one had heard of Google, Yahoo or Facebook and the web was still in its infancy. Frankly driving a Ferrari on to your porch couldn't match it then!
So I couldn't wait and care then for all the search, thought and fieldwork you have to put in for choosing a name for my domain. When I started to fill in the on line form, I looked out of the window and noticed that little street name plaque around the corner, which was always there but had never caught my attention before. It read Forge Valley Way. For some reason, quite unaware of what I was in to, I typed in my first domain name,
Little did I realise then that I had inadvertently chosen a great domain name and also learned the secret of choosing great names and titles for your domains and Blogs!
What I didn't realise at the time was Valley Forge was a great name in American History, well known in the US and close to many American hearts.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Blog Title,
Iron Bride,
Lasting Rose,
Valley Forge,
Could the Secret of Romance of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor have been an evening of Sea bas and Sancerre in Swansea?
They say the April weather is like a woman's heart. But if you have ever been in Wales, where the legendaryRichard Burton was born and later grew up, you know the Welsh weather can be more like the heart ofElizabeth Taylor, his tempestuous queen of the silver screen and real life, who married seven times.
In his diaries yet to be published Richard Burton describes his relationship with Elizabeth:
'I have been inordinately lucky all my life but the greatest luck of all has been Elizabeth'
Richard Burton's Welsh love of language was paramount, as he famously stated years later, with a tearful Elizabeth Taylor at his side, "The only thing in life is language. Not love. Not anything else." Despite his protestations, the romantic episodes in the turbulent life of the legendary couple, on screen and in real life is the stuff History is written about and etched in human psyche.
It is only natural for someone coming from a land of harsh weather, hard work, booze, brawls, music, and rugby and sea food to also imbibe the tempestuous nature of his surroundings in to his character. But could they have also shaped his romantic life?
If you have a brave heart for romance of the kind the legendary Burtons were lucky to experience and if you are willing to take on the Welsh weather, you may find out that Swansea, not far from where Richard Burton was born, can offer what you are after. A truly romantic experience which evens the Burtons might have fallen in love with.
La Braseria can hardly be called a restaurant. It is because it offers you almost everything you expect for a romantic evening, even if you are not prepared for one. It is anything but Welsh except for the romantic city of Swansea in the centre of which it is located. But it has a unique ambiance, a soul which grows vibrant as the evening grows with exotic strains of music and happy and relaxed clientele, selections of fresh food ingredients you can chose from and decide how you want them cooked and the most cavernous of wine collection you can chose from.
In deed, if Richard and Elizabeth could ever return to the earth for a patch up, they will love to spend the evening at La Braseria in Swansea, with a bottle of Sancerre and Sea Bas! So unique and lovely is the experience this famous restaurant can offer that it can unite even departed souls which have fallen apart. No exaggeration!
All you will need is a heart with a romantic disposition and some company to share it with.
Sea Bas and Sancerre and Swansea might not have been the secret ingredients for a exciting romantic evening for Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor when they lived on the Earth, but they would surely want to visit this little secret corner of paradise on the Earth to rekindle their legendary romance, if they could, and kiss and make up.
Monday, October 01, 2012
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Elizabeth Taylor,
La Braseria,
Richard Burton,
Sea Bas,
Has Obama got a secret weapon for the Chinese?
There had been recent reports of Facebook loosing a bit of its sheen.
CNN reported on recent signs of 'Facebook Fatigue' and another interesting story about it being ripe for some imminent disaster. There were also reports about alternative and upcoming social media sites like Tumblr which could soon replace Facebook.
Despite the recent drop out of about six million Facebook users in the US, I guess all this talk of Facebook’s loss of face has to do with its valuation of over a hundred billion dollars, based on a membership of over six hundred million users.
The reality is, with the world population approaching seven billion by 2011, the tsunami of Facebook is only in the making!
At the heart of its powerful social impact on the world, which can only be likened to a tsunami, are factors which the inventors of this social media site wouldn’t have been even aware.
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