A nice line from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Politico.Eu). I have no
well-informed view on the proper role of… The post "500M Europeans Are
Begging ...
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
The way News will travel in the twenty first century and why it won’t be fake
The US Senate has asked Facebook, Twitter and Google to release
Russian ads which apparently interfered with the 2016 U S Presidential
Fake news is a major issue the social media is trying to cope with.
Paybookclub, a media start up thinks that the problem will
not overshadow the next election as it has developed a system which can
revolutionise the way News will be created and emanated, a system which blocks out fake news and their creators right at the source.
Paybookclub is a cloud based, AI driven, content procurement
and distribution platform based on a social network on mobile phones.
A mobile App developed by this innovative platform generates
content including news as it occurs and distributes it through thousands and
even millions of content boxes placed on web sites and other forms of social media.
To understand how
Paybookclub will make a difference, one need to examine how media is generated and distributed right
Editorial control which is mostly human and expensive, exists only with
established media and adds a significant time lag from generation to dissipation.
Almost everything placed on social media escapes scrutiny
and binding ownership as all social media accounts are not tied to verified
human beings.
Paybookclub, to start with, verifies each account and make sure
that it is traced to a mobile phone. As
it is a member rewarding platform, each account is also tied to a banking system
where accounts are traceable to individuals.
Such predefined and assigned ownership ties the content
generated to the responsibility of the individual member. Fake content can be
generated, but who will willingly create it if it has to be owned?
As for its emanation, in the current system it can be on the
wire once it is filed by a reporting agency, reaching worldwide media outlets instantly, who then disburse it to the various
channels and audience they serve.
This process inherently lack full editorial control and
fake news and content can often creep in or be intentionally injected, which
happens more often than not.
Paybookclub will have an AI driven content verification
system which will contextually analyse, evaluate and validate each piece of
content uploaded by responsible owners, whose identity has been verified.
But more important is the human curation by thousands of
members who scrutinise and vet and classify the content for its monetisation.
But the significant impact Paybookclub will have, is in the
distribution. Through the content box strategically placed on millions of web
pages, content based on key words and
other filtering system is placed right in front of an audience to whom it
really matters, almost instantaneously as it is generated.
To know how the innovations of Paybookclub, which aspires to
be the content market place of the world, will change the way the world will
live with content, the simple Content Box is the starting place.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height:400px;">
<object type="text/html" data="https://paybookclub-v2.herokuapp.com/timelineOriginal.php" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:1%;">
You can get one Free by placing this simple code on the HTML
of your web page.
Fourteen compelling reasons to check out this mobile app as a replacement for Facebook(TM) on your mobile
Paybookclub is a futuristic, cloud based, AI driven content creation and monetising platform built on a social network on mobiles.
Paybookclub Cash for Content aims to be the Content Marketplace of the World by providing cloud based infrastructure and services for networking, publishing and sharing content.
It will include a user friendly content display, value enhancement, sales, payment and tracking services for members and corporations.
Here are fourteen features of Paybokclub Cash for Content App you can download free from Google play or App store which must persuade you to give it a try.
1) Safe and Secure Network. OTP cell number verification and Bio metric login ensure that there are no FAKE accounts besides keeping you and your content safe from hackers. You can create a public profile of your choice. Login becomes fast and easy.
2) Comprehensive group building. In addition to separate groups for Friends, Family, Members, and Sponsors, Pending group allow to handle friend requests. While you can invite friends and family in your private groups, the App will help to chose psychologically and socially matched friends like in real life. You can chose only sponsors you like in to the Sponsor group.
3) Distinct Group wise Time Lines. You have separate Time Lines for Friends, Family, Public, and Sponsors. You can post to your own Private Time Like a journal. My posts Timeline shows all your posts chronologically.
4) A Variety of Content Types. You can chose the type of content you like to post from a revolving menu. Each category of content will be formatted for its type. An AI driven content evaluation system will determine the relevance and value to enhance monetising. A default minimum value is assigned to each type of content.
5) Elaborate Post Screen. The post update area is customised for each type of content allowing or input of attributes to make your post most attractive to members and search engines. The post screen will have AI features to maximise your creativity according to your mood.
6) Versatile Timeline Window. Your post update will be presented in a AI active window which will adapt to the mood of the viewer to elicit best reaction, like, share and comment so that it can achieve the number of likes required for monetising as fast as possible.
7) Cash for Likes and Shares. We will publish your Private status posts to your friends and your
Public status posts to the entire community and will enourage them
to like, share and comment by offering cash reward for each like, share and comment.
8) Content monetising. Based on the number of likes, shares and comments, AI driven system will help the content to go "viral" and enhance its value. Eligible content can be monetised by members and an AI driven system to hundred of web sites to generate revenue for content owners and members who monetise.
9) Transparent Accounting. The Account Page will show real time updated account of all the money members have earned. The Account page will have settings for Bank and other payment gateways and for withdrawal when fully launched and ready for payment. A minimum of $30 must accrue in the account before money can be withdrawn.
10) Gift Coupons For Posts. Paybookclub App and Network are under development and need member support at this stage. Till a fully developed payment system is in place, members will be rewarded by Gift Coupons (In available regions) from leading providers for each post.
11) Free Games. A large number of free services for members will be a main feature of the App when fully launched. Currently a number of On line games are available. An on line chat facility is also available for member support.
12) Revenue Generation. We will generate revenue through various channels and in App advertising to pay you for your content as well as the likes, shares
and comments you offer to others. We will also pay First Million Active members a monthly loyalty bonus for time spent on Paybookclub.
13) Easy Sharing with Friends. You can invite friends and also post invitations on Social Media without having to type anything through the SHARE feature. Invitation messag will be automatically filled in your chosen messenger app or Social media App to sent just by a click.
14) Rich Features. download and check out Paybookclub App to see all available features from an extensive menu.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Posted by Unknown
The unending source of good content for SEO demoed on Paybookclub Social Network
Newer versions of the Paybookclub App have been released both in Google Play and App Store recently, incorporating a demo of how fresh content posted by paybookclub members will be piped to a client’s website in real time. In fact the new versions have a whole load of features built in which makes paybookclub a formidable social platform from which you could avail of a multitude of services.
On registration or log in you will be presented with a screen on which there are 4 Tabs; TIMELINE-FRIENDS-ACCOUNT and ACTIVITY, each with its own bottom menu comprising of six selection icons, and 3 top action buttons for QUICK action.
As a bonus, you have the more familiar hamburger icon for a menu on the top left of the screen which can be revealed by clicking on it or simply by a left to right sweep on the left edge of the screen. The menu presents links to the top tabs as well as to a number of web pages on the Paybook.club website with related information and services. The hamburger indeed is a life saver if you get lost elsewhere in this impressive social network.
However, the one key feature which makes this amazing App so compelling to use is its tiny POST button by the side of the header on the TIMELINE tab. By clicking on this button you are presented with a unique, animated, revolving menu listing out the different type of content you can post , to a variety of audience like friends, family, public, sponsored and even for yourself, as in a journal or diary. Apart from revolving like a roulette wheel to inspire you for an idea for your post if you are suffering from a mild writer’s block, each content category also has a reward tag to entice you to be creative and produce some content from your hidden talent.
Once you insert your photo and related text, you can choose to which of your audience group you want your content to be shown, from a drop-down menu before you click the POST button. Once the button is clicked it takes a few seconds for your content to be uploaded which will be presented in the timeline of the group you have selected. However you can see and make sure your update has been posted and saved in the server from the MY Posts menu at the bottom.
Paybookclub currently has a demo in which you can click on a “ Monetisze this (Demo)” link on any update posted to the Public Timeline which will take both the post and yourself to the main page of Paybook.club website to demonstrate how fresh and real content can be brought to your own website with some additional traffic of folks who want to see how it works by using the Demo.
To see all this in action, you need to get the Paybookclub App from Google Play/ App store or from
the download page of paybook.club.
Friday, October 07, 2016
Posted by Unknown
Should Sycophancy On Facebook, Twitter and Comment Boxes Merit Dante's Tenth Circle of Hell?
![]() |
Courtsy:Inferno by Dan Brown |
If Dante would have been in any doubt, it would only be about its relative place among others he has seen in the Inferno.
· First Circle (Limbo)· Second Circle (Lust)· Third Circle (Gluttony)· Fourth Circle (Greed)· Fifth Circle (Anger)· Sixth Circle (Heresy)· Seventh Circle (Violence)· Eighth Circle (Fraud)· Ninth Circle (Treachery)
Bolgia 2: Flatterers also exploited other people, this time using language. They are steeped in human excrement, which represents the words they produced. Alessio Interminei of Lucca and Thaïs are seen here.Sycophancy is defined as the overly fawning behaviour of a suck-up. A sycophant is a person who attempts to win favour at the cost of his own pride, principles, and peer respect.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Posted by Unknown
The Secret Of Finding a Great Title for Your Blog and Getting Everyone to Read Below It.
More than a decade ago, when I wanted to register my first domain, I didn't know what to call it. But I was excited at the feeling and fun of registering and becoming the proud owner of a domain when no one had heard of Google, Yahoo or Facebook and the web was still in its infancy. Frankly driving a Ferrari on to your porch couldn't match it then!
So I couldn't wait and care then for all the search, thought and fieldwork you have to put in for choosing a name for my domain. When I started to fill in the on line form, I looked out of the window and noticed that little street name plaque around the corner, which was always there but had never caught my attention before. It read Forge Valley Way. For some reason, quite unaware of what I was in to, I typed in my first domain name, forgevalley.com.
Little did I realise then that I had inadvertently chosen a great domain name and also learned the secret of choosing great names and titles for your domains and Blogs!
What I didn't realise at the time was Valley Forge was a great name in American History, well known in the US and close to many American hearts.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Blog Title,
Iron Bride,
Lasting Rose,
Valley Forge,
Could Romantic Elvis Presley Have Shaped the Social Web Differently from Daring Lady Gaga?
Facebook has amassed a gigantuan membership of over a billion people and Twitter aims to catch up with new features like Vine, taking micro Blogging to new levels. This spectacular growth of the social web, no doubt, is largely due to its nature as a free place for social interaction.
However, the role in the growth and evolution of social web, of pop stars and celebrities like Lady Gaga andJustin Bieber who have enhanced their fan base and interact with their fans through social web, is also undisputable.
But what about Elvis Presley, who sent millions around the world in a frenzy hardly ever stepping out of the US soil and just by singing I can't help falling in love with you, when no one had even heard of the social web? Could he have shaped the social web to be a totally different place from as we know it today?
There is no denying that without the Television neither Elvis Presley nor Lady Gaga would have reached the level of popularity they attained. So the integration of the social web with television by most recent technological advances like social streaming and social DVR, which allows for real time interaction over social media with time shift would have evolved naturally.
However, the popularity of Lady Lady Gaga, who is a singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and activist on the social web is largely based on her daring stage appearances and the issues like bullying and causes like lgbt which the artist actively support.
Her achievement like being invited to speak at Harvard is more of a reflection of her belief and support of the issues she has chosen to champion for. As a result, the technology she sought was some means to interact with her fans on the web on those issues, enhancing her presence among her fans, which created her famous back room chats with her fans and which rendered her role of counselling her fans possible.
But in the case of Elvis Presley it was his talent, good looks, sensuality, charisma, and good humour which endeared him to millions, as did the humility and human kindness he demonstrated throughout his life. Known the world over by his first name, he is regarded as one of the most important figures of twentieth century popular culture. He has been described as the sexiest man of his generation, so manly yet beautiful!
In the words of music historian John Robertson, Elvis was a flirtatious teenage idol with a heart of gold, a tempestuous, dangerous lover, a gutbucket blues singer, a sophisticated nightclub entertainer and raucous rocker.
Years after his death, fans continue to yearn for him with comments like "We will never have someone like him again... Elvis, unique, wonderful, our king forever!!!!"
Obviously, the persona of Elvis Presley, which had no need of a social web for the entire world to swoon for him, might have attracted the entire world to Facebook, if he were to have a fan page!
Given the wild passion and infatuation his fans felt for him as was evident from his concerts, It is conceivable that tactile technologies like the remote kissing devices would have found their place in Facebook much head of simple chat.
May be you could have enjoyed an on demand virtual concert by Elvis Presley singing I can't help falling in love with you, just for you.
Perhaps a new version of the Aloha from Hawaii music concert that was headlined by Elvis Presley, and broadcast live via satellite around the world on January 14, 1973, in which fans could rejoice by touching Elvis, using this invention, wherever they happened to be could have been broadcast through Facebook or whatever name the media would have been called.
There is of course many things one can imagine as was possible. The predominant factors would be the key elements which made Elvis irresistibly humane and accessible to millions. One thing is sure, whatever shape the social web would have assumed, it would have done more to bind people of the world in romance, love, passion and compassion, qualities which Elvis was graced with in abundance.
However, the role in the growth and evolution of social web, of pop stars and celebrities like Lady Gaga andJustin Bieber who have enhanced their fan base and interact with their fans through social web, is also undisputable.
But what about Elvis Presley, who sent millions around the world in a frenzy hardly ever stepping out of the US soil and just by singing I can't help falling in love with you, when no one had even heard of the social web? Could he have shaped the social web to be a totally different place from as we know it today?
There is no denying that without the Television neither Elvis Presley nor Lady Gaga would have reached the level of popularity they attained. So the integration of the social web with television by most recent technological advances like social streaming and social DVR, which allows for real time interaction over social media with time shift would have evolved naturally.
However, the popularity of Lady Lady Gaga, who is a singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and activist on the social web is largely based on her daring stage appearances and the issues like bullying and causes like lgbt which the artist actively support.
Her achievement like being invited to speak at Harvard is more of a reflection of her belief and support of the issues she has chosen to champion for. As a result, the technology she sought was some means to interact with her fans on the web on those issues, enhancing her presence among her fans, which created her famous back room chats with her fans and which rendered her role of counselling her fans possible.
But in the case of Elvis Presley it was his talent, good looks, sensuality, charisma, and good humour which endeared him to millions, as did the humility and human kindness he demonstrated throughout his life. Known the world over by his first name, he is regarded as one of the most important figures of twentieth century popular culture. He has been described as the sexiest man of his generation, so manly yet beautiful!
In the words of music historian John Robertson, Elvis was a flirtatious teenage idol with a heart of gold, a tempestuous, dangerous lover, a gutbucket blues singer, a sophisticated nightclub entertainer and raucous rocker.
Years after his death, fans continue to yearn for him with comments like "We will never have someone like him again... Elvis, unique, wonderful, our king forever!!!!"
Obviously, the persona of Elvis Presley, which had no need of a social web for the entire world to swoon for him, might have attracted the entire world to Facebook, if he were to have a fan page!
Given the wild passion and infatuation his fans felt for him as was evident from his concerts, It is conceivable that tactile technologies like the remote kissing devices would have found their place in Facebook much head of simple chat.
May be you could have enjoyed an on demand virtual concert by Elvis Presley singing I can't help falling in love with you, just for you.
Perhaps a new version of the Aloha from Hawaii music concert that was headlined by Elvis Presley, and broadcast live via satellite around the world on January 14, 1973, in which fans could rejoice by touching Elvis, using this invention, wherever they happened to be could have been broadcast through Facebook or whatever name the media would have been called.
There is of course many things one can imagine as was possible. The predominant factors would be the key elements which made Elvis irresistibly humane and accessible to millions. One thing is sure, whatever shape the social web would have assumed, it would have done more to bind people of the world in romance, love, passion and compassion, qualities which Elvis was graced with in abundance.
Monday, February 04, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Addicted to Facebook? There is Hope. Now You Can Get Addicted to Vine with Vinepeek!
Vinepeek has the potential and power to replace Facebook and Twitter in your life. For that very reason, no one can say how long it will last. However before you read this further, you must be aware that Vinepeek brings to you people's lives in uncensored, raw, six seconds shots. If you don't want to watch what people do in real life and share with others, better not take a peek at Vinepeek.
Simply put, Vinepeek is a website with a small window which continuously shows a stream of 6 seconds long micro Blogging videos embedded by people in their tweets by a video sharing feature called Vine, recently introduced by TWITTER.
Vine, which is a video sharing service of TWITTER, needs software currently available only on Apple's products like iphone, ipod and ipad, for you to embed your 6 second videos in your tweets. Once embedded and tweeted, the clip which has its URL can be clicked by anyone who can see your tweet, to watch your video which loops continuously, in a little window.
According to Twitter vice president of product Michael Sippey, like Tweets, the brevity of videos on Vine inspires creativity. Dom Hofmann, co-founder of Vine, said the Vine embeddings are little windows into the people, settings, ideas and objects that make up your life.
In fact Vinepeek is actually more ingenuity than technology, As a matter of fact you can easily get a widget from TWITTER to pull up the stream with tweets with Vine videos. But with the power of Vine and the enormous popularity of TWITTER, sites like Vinepeek can take millions of users of the social web to a new phase and level of addictive dependence. Here is why:
In real life, if you are depressed, dejected or hopeless about your life, you head to your local pub where you can meet up with your pals and share your life with them. In reality, that is the reason most people get hooked to Facebook and Twitter where they can meet up with their real friends and hundreds of others who they have never met, with the convenience of a desktop or handheld device. However they still need to read, type or do some work to take in the updates of their buddies or watch the stream on the wall, not entirely conducive with the mindset. Vinepeek practically removes that element of unpleasant work by having to do nothing but watching to get the same level of enjoyment.
In fact the constantly changing and unpredictable short videos on the by Vine stream, with amazing visual and sound quality, are like info graphics on steroids. You are taken in to a never ending whirl wind of time, space, and motion full of life, engaging your mind as never before, offering an experience entirely deserving to be called a new form of entertainment. It is always there, you feel like taking it in, you watch it. You don't, you simply ignore it and carry on with whatever you are doing. There is always the next one. In fact Vinepeek actually brings the Social Web to life!
Vinepeek in fact even makes the raison de etre of sites like Tech crunch, Mashable and a lot of others where we constantly check for "NEW" things a little bit questionable, bringing a series of objects and ideas we have never heard of or imagined, quenching our thirst for "novote" in life.
The exponential power of the video compared to the rest of the media in the development of human communication and understanding of life around us has not been fully understood. Vinepeek in fact brings a new dimension to this quest by pumping up an unusually high volume of imagery, sound and emotions to our brains, consciously and unconsciously in the shortest time. This alone can explain the enormous addictive power of Vinepeek. In time there can be hundreds of valid reasons to support sites like Vinepeek.
It is quite normal that initial glitches can be deterring. It looks like Apple has temporarily taken the Vine software from their store. Weather Twitter will continue with the development of Vine or not, utilities like Vinepeek are sure to pop up as any one who has enjoyed it even for a few hours will now find anything else unsatisfactory. For now My Facebook window is closed and the little Vinepeek is open in a corner of my second screen.
Tweets With VINE
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Do You Wish You Could Drive Your Blogging on Steroids? Try Triberr Today.
What is most interesting about Triberr is the friendly approach of its creators Dino Dogan and Dan Cristowho understand the pain and peril of bloggers and are willing to help. A lot of what they have put together and are giving away could be highly commercialised, yet Triberr offers all of those to needy bloggers, in the warmth of a tribe around a bonfire.
This is not to say that everyone you meet there has given up his or her nasty and selfish human streaks to become a friendly tribal.
To put it bluntly and to save a lot of words, Triberr adds the power of Multi Level Marketing to your blog. But the comparison ends there because Triberr has none of the 'shades' of the "dirty picture" MLM is associated with. If you rush to join Triberr hoping to make a quick buck or a Platinum membership you will be thoroughly disappointed.
In fact Triberr imbibes the most natural process of "survival of the fittest" by bringing the best ofcontent to widest of audience by personal endorsement, a process millions of bloggers who have no access to financial or other resources to publish their material, hope existed.
Triberr is organised around a theme of tribes, so you come across strange sounding terms like, tribes, bones, bonfire and so on which are all synonyms for popular terms on the social web you know about. There is excellent explanation of all of these on Triberr.
Despite the complex appearance, reaping the benefits from Triberr is simple for bloggers who are already active on the social web with membership of Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and StumbleUpon. Triberr brings you a stream of blog posts of other bloggers whose groups you join or who join your group, as and when they are posted on the individual blogs. You can curate and approve the posts you like, which will then be broadcast to your followers in a scheduled and systematic way.
Naturally, your personal stamp ensures that the content you recommend is really worth it for your followers to spread the word.
Triberr is still under development and all of its potential power is yet to be realised. For now you can schedule your tweets about an approved post, but you must post manually to Facebook, Google+ and StumbleUpon.
Some of its very interesting features are currently available only through Triberr Wordpress plugin and only for self hosted Wordpress accounts. These include reading the posts and commenting within Triberr before you approve or ignore the posts. A floating comment system lets you comment instantly. The reblog facility allowing you to import a post in to your blog, with all accreditation in tact, makes guest posting very easy. This feature can get your posts published in endless number of blogs if you are lucky, much like a syndicated news item.
However, the branding feature for the Tweets you send out from Triberr, available now, is the best of the freebees Triberr offers to bloggers. This allows you to insert a link to your blog in every tweet you send out increasing the link density vital for SEO.
There is also a facility to "push" a worthy post, approved by Triberr, to the type of audience you decide for a payment. You can also earn points for marking posts good or bad which can offset what you spend.
Most important is the system is entirely transparent with each triber's status accessible to all members, also with access to Google analytics of clicks on individual posts.
If all of these sound very technical, there is plenty of help available. Every aspect of the process isexplained through info graphics in simple terms and step by step instructions.
One thing you don't get with Triberr is instant success or recognition. You get attached to a tribe you can choose from a list when you join, but membership of a tribe is only by invitation. You can create any number of your own groups and invite other bloggers to join. The forums offer possibilities to get invited and invite others but this is no sure way of getting other bloggers in your group.
Still, if you care about your blog and quality content, Triberr is the best platform today to help you achieve popularity for your blog, like steroids for athletes and body builders. Unlike steroids, Triberr is entirely legal.
Article first published as Triberr Looks to Help Bloggers Pump Up Their Content on Technorati.
This is not to say that everyone you meet there has given up his or her nasty and selfish human streaks to become a friendly tribal.
To put it bluntly and to save a lot of words, Triberr adds the power of Multi Level Marketing to your blog. But the comparison ends there because Triberr has none of the 'shades' of the "dirty picture" MLM is associated with. If you rush to join Triberr hoping to make a quick buck or a Platinum membership you will be thoroughly disappointed.
In fact Triberr imbibes the most natural process of "survival of the fittest" by bringing the best ofcontent to widest of audience by personal endorsement, a process millions of bloggers who have no access to financial or other resources to publish their material, hope existed.
Triberr is organised around a theme of tribes, so you come across strange sounding terms like, tribes, bones, bonfire and so on which are all synonyms for popular terms on the social web you know about. There is excellent explanation of all of these on Triberr.
Despite the complex appearance, reaping the benefits from Triberr is simple for bloggers who are already active on the social web with membership of Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and StumbleUpon. Triberr brings you a stream of blog posts of other bloggers whose groups you join or who join your group, as and when they are posted on the individual blogs. You can curate and approve the posts you like, which will then be broadcast to your followers in a scheduled and systematic way.
Naturally, your personal stamp ensures that the content you recommend is really worth it for your followers to spread the word.
Triberr is still under development and all of its potential power is yet to be realised. For now you can schedule your tweets about an approved post, but you must post manually to Facebook, Google+ and StumbleUpon.
Some of its very interesting features are currently available only through Triberr Wordpress plugin and only for self hosted Wordpress accounts. These include reading the posts and commenting within Triberr before you approve or ignore the posts. A floating comment system lets you comment instantly. The reblog facility allowing you to import a post in to your blog, with all accreditation in tact, makes guest posting very easy. This feature can get your posts published in endless number of blogs if you are lucky, much like a syndicated news item.
However, the branding feature for the Tweets you send out from Triberr, available now, is the best of the freebees Triberr offers to bloggers. This allows you to insert a link to your blog in every tweet you send out increasing the link density vital for SEO.
There is also a facility to "push" a worthy post, approved by Triberr, to the type of audience you decide for a payment. You can also earn points for marking posts good or bad which can offset what you spend.
Most important is the system is entirely transparent with each triber's status accessible to all members, also with access to Google analytics of clicks on individual posts.
If all of these sound very technical, there is plenty of help available. Every aspect of the process isexplained through info graphics in simple terms and step by step instructions.
One thing you don't get with Triberr is instant success or recognition. You get attached to a tribe you can choose from a list when you join, but membership of a tribe is only by invitation. You can create any number of your own groups and invite other bloggers to join. The forums offer possibilities to get invited and invite others but this is no sure way of getting other bloggers in your group.
Still, if you care about your blog and quality content, Triberr is the best platform today to help you achieve popularity for your blog, like steroids for athletes and body builders. Unlike steroids, Triberr is entirely legal.
Article first published as Triberr Looks to Help Bloggers Pump Up Their Content on Technorati.
Monday, May 07, 2012
Posted by Unknown
If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Google and Facebook.
The office of the prime minister
(PMO) of India, the biggest democratic
country, with a population of 1.3 billion people, has at last opened
an account on Twitter and announced its
decision today to join Facebook, following the old saying if
you can’t beat them join them.
Dr Man Mohan Singh, a renowned
economist and India ’s
Prime Minister believes in relentless handwork and action aimed at India ’s
economic growth despite its obstructive
political environment and is a man of few words. He was subjected to severe
criticism for the silence he maintains on controversial issues, especially the
scams which have rocked his party’s second tenure in the governance of India .
Fed up with the abusive posts,
morphed pictures and all sorts of twisted and contorted facts and false
accusation which appear in the social web in the name of democratic freedom and
criticism, Man Mohan Singh seems to have given up and taken the bold step to
take the bull by the horns and use the social web to communicate and set things
The timing of the move by the PMO
is interesting. A junior court in India, where petitions were filed against
Google, Facebook and twenty odd social media companies for breech of infringement
of a law only enacted last year, making companies responsible for user content
posted on their websites, had warned of a crackdown "like
China" if they did not take steps to protect religious sensibilities.
Last month, the companies said it was
not possible for them to block content.
However, Google and Facebook removed
content from some Indian domain websites today, following a court directive
warning them severe restrictive action if not complied.
Though no one really thinks that India ,
with its democratic credentials will go to any extent its neighbour China
has gone to restrict the functioning of the social web, it looks like the
carrot and stick policy of the government is at last paying off.
By joining the networks, the
Prime Minister and his government is clearly showing that the Social web in India
is here to stay and will be an integral part of the democratic environment
likes the developed countries.
At the same time India has also
sent the right signals, through its administration and judicial system that it
is in no mood to tolerate and live with excessive and irresponsible use of the
social web and will look forward to exerting the same level of control over the
regular media, as a country with religious sensitivities and prone to violence.
In fairness to Dr Man Mohan Singh
and his office, whose priority was to fire fight various political and other
crisis over the last two years, having the fun of tweeting and posting updates
like many other world leaders and millions of ordinary citizens is a reward long
over due.
Article first published as If
You Can’t Beat Them, Join Google and Facebook. on Technorati.
Can India Really Block Google And Facebook Without Banning Candles?
The simple answer, like in the case of China
is “yes”. However if the question is, can India afford to take such extreme
measures, the answer is likely to be “not really” because, simply put, India is
not same as China when democratic values are concerned.
Concerned with the rising and abusive character
assassination of the political leaders through morphed images and the dangers
of inflammatory posts in a religiously super sensitive nation, the flash points
of which the government has to strive very, very hard to keep from exploding,
the Indian government and now the Indian judiciary
have warned the Internet giants that they need to act.
Will The New Facebook Profile Make “Nostalgia” Disappear For Ever?
Last week Facebook started
rolling out the much anticipated updates which were to follow their substantial
revamp aimed at catching
up with Google+. The timing was just right to create the necessary uproar
and interest among its 800 million followers and the rest of the world and make
them ready for the quantum leaps Mark Zuckerberg was
about to announce during F8, the annual conference of Facebook developers.
In fact Facebook went ahead and
implemented the change to its news
updates a few of days back which in itself drew wild worldwide reactions.
Though there seemed to be wide
support (more than 2000 likes and 100 tweets as received by this innocuous
comment, which raised the author to a HuffPost Influencer status) for the
changes, there were also avalanches
of protests from disgruntled users who objected to Face book’s arbitrary
choice of what the user should see in the status update timeline. One survey
showed disastrous results.
The main changes announced
concerned how News Feed will act more like your own personal newspaper, and how
you won't have to worry about missing important stuff. Because all your news
will be in a single stream with the most interesting stories featured at the
The other
most important feature was a new Twitter-like timeline called Ticker with real
time streaming of friends' activity like “likes” of an update, comments on a
post or subscribing to a page.
Though these innovations looked
nice, especially visually more appealing with larger photos and suited those
with a large number of friends or those who visited Facebook less often to
check friend’s updates, they seem to have incurred undue wrath of loyal
members, threatening to switch to Google+
The protests were surely
following a now familiar pattern:
“In the
history of Facebook changes, the pattern has typically been that users complain
loudly at first and threaten to
leave the site but then eventually learn to live with, if not
like, the new approach.”
However, Facebook has announced seven
important updates in the conference, of which the changes to the Profile
page seem to be the ones which will have far reaching consequences.
In a nutshell, the Facebook
Profile page is becoming your life story, your illustrated autobiography, a
chronicle in which everything you chose to appear right from your birth day,
everything you posted on Facebook reflecting your daily life and interaction
with those around you will be available to anyone who is allowed an access. The
whole information will be nicely indexed, year wise and moth wise for easy
The social impact of such a
feature, available on the 800 million members and possibly billions who will
eventually join the network is, at the minimum mind boggling! We may bid good by
to “Nostalgia”, or the simple joy of
discovering a lost picture, for ever, because nothing is hidden farther from a
mouse click!
Article first published as Will
The New Facebook Profile Make “Nostalgia†Disappear For Ever? on
How Facebook Is Catching Up With GOOGLE+
A couple of months back, the attention was on the features
of Google+, the new Social Networking Site of Google, which were being sparingly
revealed to the world, much like a shrewd merchant revealing the end of the silk
he is holding out to the customer. Of course it succeeded in generating the
huge worldwide interest in Google+ and the phenomenal growth in its membership.
ComScore, a highly reputed business
analytics site reported that Google+ now has 25 million users while it took around
three years for Facebook and Twitter to achieve the same.
While the membership has no doubt shot up, it is not clear how the
users have accepted the features of the new
networking platform like Circles, Hangouts, Instant uploads, Sparks
and Huddles. Serious doubts
have been raised how useful and user
friendly they really are, despite the added
features Google introduced, leveraging on its own Browser, Chrome.
It was expected that Facebook
will inevitably introduce improvements to counter what Google would be offering
in the new platform. In fact over the course of the last three months it has
already silently introduced several small features and some important one like video chat
incorporating Skype.
However, the most important
improvement to the site which could counter the much tooted features of Google+
were announced only last week in the Facebook blog.
Unlike Google, Facebook has preferred to clearly explain the changes in very
simple ‘before’ and ‘after’ the change style, which everyone can understand and
are widely appreciated. Though there was favourable opinion from experts,
you could only palpate the richness of the goodies offered by Facebook only
since a couple of days. To be fair, they have turned out to be good stuff much
of the 750 million members of Facebook are going to like and appreciate.
The changes according to Facebook
in a nut shell are:
“A bunch
of improvements that make it easier to share posts, photos, tags and other
content with exactly the people you want, to make this more visual and
straightforward, bye moving most of your controls from a settings page to,
right next to the posts, photos and tags they affect. Plus there are several
other updates that will make it easier to understand who can see your stuff (or
your friends') in any context, organized around two areas: what shows up on
your profile and what happens when you share something new”
The beauty and simplicity of how
Facebook has gone about beating the circles of
GOOGLE + is by bringing everything you need to control your privacy in
to one simple circle and right where you need to apply them with the click of a
At the heart of this clever
innovation is a drop down menu from which you can select the group of people or
person with whom you are going to share. This intuitive sharing engine is then
attached where it is required like your profile editing page in which it can be
applied to each of the menu item and your wall where you update your status and
share your media. The added bonus is the flexibility you get even to change the
sharing at a later date, if you change your mind.
This drop down menu undoubtedly
is a PLUS over Google+, in which you need to
pre select and compartmentalise your groups, who will receive different levels
of your favour and get to share what they deserve. To completely match the
segregation offered by Google+, Facebook will be expanding this over time to
include smaller groups of people like co-workers, Friend Lists you've created,
and Groups you're a member of.
important changes include a button to show what your profile looked like to
others, another to add a location and tag the people you're with. You can add tags of your friends or anyone else
on Facebook and can review and approve or reject any tag someone tries
to add to your photos and posts..
Article first published as How
Facebook Is Catching Up With Google+ on Technorati.
What Is Hot On The GOOGLE Facebook War Front You Can’t Miss?
When GOOGLE Plus was test
released a few weeks ago, a new war of the Titans which could shape the
history of the 21st century, just started. A few weeks on, it is
interesting to see how new and unexpected events change its course.
With a massive
lead of nearly seven hundred million members worldwide, Facebook, without
doubt, is in a leading unstoppable position in the social media. Far from
anything its inventors designed or planned for the platform, Facebook is
credited with influencing or bringing about life changing movements like Spring
Revolution and the Jasmine revolution.
For GOOGLE Plus, it looked like this
gigantic vantage position of Facebook will be almost impossible to surmount.
However an array of hard core “suicide hackers”, who unlike the Al Qaeda or Taliban
have no particular allegiance, is proving to be great unpaid allies to GOOGLE
in this war against Facebook.
Despite the fact that GOOGLE
keeps the figures and truth about the membership and acceptance of its new
social media platform under the wraps, frustrating observers and Facebook, the
numbers look impressive from various “estimates”.
Though this can be credited
partly to the massive awareness creating advertisement by GOOGLE, the leverage
it is wielding from its existing flagship platforms like CHROME, inadvertently
brought in to play by the work of the army of the volunteer hackers, is
seriously and quickly shifting the sand under the feet of Facebook and other
social media platforms like Twitter.
For example, the hackers have
come up with powerful and ingenious extensions for CROME, the very popular
browser of GOOGLE, which shows the WALL of your Facebook page and your Twitter
Time line in your GOOGLE Plus page!
The CHROME extension called Extended
Share For GOOGLE Plus is particularly “nasty” being a feature which allows
you to repost your Post to Four other leading Social Networks, Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr and others.
What this means is those visitors
no longer need to visit Facebook or Twitter to post in to those or check out
what is new with their friends with the help of the extensions like the
following, already available to CHROME users.
- The GOOGLE + Facebook Extension
- The GOOGLE + Twitter Extension
- G+ME: Collapse the GOOGLE+ Stream in to a Dhashboard
- How to Make GOOGLE + Top Bar Sticky
To counter this onslaught of
GOOGLE, Facebook also have come up with much needed features like Video Calling and some ingenious
ones like the Open Air browsing stations in Holiday Resorts and Hotels where
you can log in to your Facebook page in your swim suits and bikinis!
Article first published as What Is
Hot On The GOOGLE Facebook War Front You Can’t Miss? on Technorati.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Has Obama got a secret weapon for the Chinese?
There had been recent reports of Facebook loosing a bit of its sheen.
CNN reported on recent signs of 'Facebook Fatigue' and another interesting story about it being ripe for some imminent disaster. There were also reports about alternative and upcoming social media sites like Tumblr which could soon replace Facebook.
Despite the recent drop out of about six million Facebook users in the US, I guess all this talk of Facebook’s loss of face has to do with its valuation of over a hundred billion dollars, based on a membership of over six hundred million users.
The reality is, with the world population approaching seven billion by 2011, the tsunami of Facebook is only in the making!
At the heart of its powerful social impact on the world, which can only be likened to a tsunami, are factors which the inventors of this social media site wouldn’t have been even aware.
Anthony Weiner could have almost touched his women!
Article first published as Anthony Weiner Could Have Almost Touched His Women! on Technorati.
One can only feel great admiration and respect for the courage and poise with which Huma Abedin is facing the tempest raised by her husband’s misdemeanour at a time of extreme vulnerability, as a woman who is in to the third month of pregnancy.
I wish her well and hope she will continue to be strong and be able to see through this crisis together with her husband, as a couple. After all, their relationship and interfaith marriage are proof enough that the couple has great power of introspection and great strength to live by their conviction, leaving enough space for each other.
However rather than die out with the public confessions Anthony Weiner has done so far, with additional material released and being circulated on the internet and media, the storm seems to be only intensifying, with the clamour for his resignation becoming more and more loud.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Japanese Internet kissing machine is ready!
Years before, in the beginning days of the internet, when everyone was struggling with 28k and 56 k modem connections, I used to wonder when things will improve to make human contact experience possible. At last it has become a reality now. Well, almost!
This invention by the Japanese gives them a heads up for the next generation consumer electronics and perhaps new dimensions for social networking.Hopefully very soon people on Facebook should be able to share kissing experience with those on orkut!
This invention by the Japanese gives them a heads up for the next generation consumer electronics and perhaps new dimensions for social networking.Hopefully very soon people on Facebook should be able to share kissing experience with those on orkut!
Below is a report by CNN
Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine |
May 5, 2011 -- Updated 1103 GMT (1903 HKT) | Filed under:Innovation
Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine

CNN) -- We admit to being sort of creeped out by this: A Japanese lab has created a device that may let let you "French kiss" someone over the Internet.
And by "kiss," we mean waggle your tongue on a plastic straw, thereby making another plastic straw waggle remotely on someone else's tongue.
Hot, huh?
Well, the folks at Tokyo's Kajimoto Laboratory say it's just the beginning of what could become a full-on person-to-person experience over the Internet.
The lab, part of The University of Electro-Communications, posted a video in which a researcher demonstrates the "Kiss Transmission Device." It's a motorized box that looks a little like a police Breathalyzer.
Watch the video of the "Kiss Transmission Device"
In the video, Nobuhiro Takahashi, a graduate student and researcher at the university, manipulates the plastic tube on one device with his tongue. A program stores the movements on a computer and then transmits them to another device, causing its tube to move -- presumably in someone else's mouth.
The idea is to help lovers -- in long-distance relationships, say -- by transmitting the tactile sensation of kissing from one person to another. The lab is running both devices on the same computer, but says a system could be set up to connect them via the Web.
"Kiss information" can be recorded and replayed, presumably meaning someone could save and share a "kiss" over and over.
"For example, if you have a popular entertainer use this device and record it, that could be hugely popular if you offer it to fans," Takahashi says. (Can you say, "Justin Bieber"?)
The researchers seem to realize that most people might not exactly find licking a plastic tube a suitable replacement for sucking face. But there are refinements on the way, they say.
"The elements of a kiss include the sense of taste, the manner of breathing and the moistness of the tongue," Takahashi said. "If we can re-create all of those, I think it will be a really powerful device."
Read more at edition.cnn.com
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