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well-informed view on the proper role of… The post "500M Europeans Are
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Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
If It Is Time India Really Had A Lower Caste Prime Minister Why Maya Is Much More of an Obama Than Namo

Mayavathi, four terms Chief Minister of India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, is its most famous Dalit (lower caste) leader who aspire to be its Prime Minister one day.
Much like Barack Obama is for Blacks, Hispanics and a host of other groups of the American political divide, Mayavathi is an Icon and hope for millions of lower caste Hindus of India, who aspire for better opportunities still denied to them despite 60 years of Independence.
If Mayavathi had once sent an aircraft to fetch her a pair of footwear, or showed off a diamond necklace in a mass rally, she had strong reasons which you and I didn't need to know but meant a lot to her followers, not just the whims of a vain woman.
Mayavathi is no body's fool. She certainly wasn't showing off the 'Taylor-Burton diamond' of a love affair or was out to stun the world enhancing her beauty like Imelda Marcos.
Since her public actions and pronouncements time to time reveal chinks of mettle and strength of character worthy of a Prime Minister of India, which most of her critics have failed to notice, she had perhaps valid reason for her famous caprices too.
What if Mayavathi had simply wanted to show millions of her Dalit compatriots what they have a right to, like wearing expensive jewellery like the rich of India, thereby awakening their sense of their rightful place in society?
Many of her recent political manures and supportive actions for the ruling UPA in parliament on critical legislation similarly smack of mature political thinking. Her concern for the nation above parochial indulgence is evident from her recent dig on Narendra Modi, three times Chief Minister of neighbouring state of Gujrath, who she declared is not fit to be a leader of India.
That Mayavathi managed to muster the necessary majority support to rule the state four times as chief minister with the support of other parties and also render decisive outside support to the coalition governments at the centre is proof that this trained teacher has the knack of keeping her class together till the bells ring.
Much has already been written how her social engineering skills have taken the wind out of the sails of the Congress party, which has ruled India for the bulk of the decades after its independence.
Unlike the Congress which traditionally had the support of the upper class of Indian society and thrived on an inclusive plank to carry the lower classes by championing their cause, Mayavathi has shown, time and again, that the majority lower caste offering a real partnership for the upper caste is a better vote winning formula.
Mayavathi has shown that she will base her election strategy on this tried and trusted formula, which can also work beyond the boundaries of her own state, as eventually it can give the same level of satisfaction to the masses as what the congress party, popular in many states, promise.
In several ways, the inclusive approach of Mayavathi, a leader of the under privileged lower classes of India, which has a sizable majority, good enough to claim the chair of the Prime Minister of the country, resemble that of the US Democrats who found an acceptable and capable leader in Barack Obama.
In contrast, the approach of Narendra Modi, whose supporters claim he could be India's answer to President Obama, despite projecting a Gujrath Model development and supported by the Hindu fundamentalists is seen as divisive character.
Wait a minute, I hear you cry, what about the Taj corridor scam, the swindle of magnificent elephants and the disproportionate asset case against Mayavathi?
Actually, the Indian apex court has examined the allegations and all but rejected them as without sufficient base to prosecute Mayavathi.
If you view at the apparently extravagant government spending on the statues of Dalit leaders and her favourite elephants, from the point of view of millions of Dalits who remain underprivileged in the 21st century India, "They also serve who only stand and wait."
If you think the garlands spun from Rs thousand bank notes which are presented to Mayavathi during her rallies and meetings are obnoxious, you haven't dined in one of those fund raising dinners of the Republican party or made an on line donation to Barack Obama's election fund. In reality there is little difference and really nothing to complain about an indigenous way of party fund raising.
Don't you think it is a century or two early to talk about a corruption free government In a nation in the thick of development, in to which money is flowing in to from around the world?
Especially when it is almost a democratic right in India to be enticed with soaps to part with your vote, the most fundamental guarantor of fairness in society.
In a state where an Australian educated Engineer with a post graduate degree finds it imperative to promise and distribute laptops to win votes, after all talking about corruption, at least for now is pointless.
Akhilesh Yadav wouldn't have wanted of any of his mates or faculty from the Sydney Universty where he studied, to be around when he had to go through the bare necessities of Indian democratic system.
With the Congress party and the UPA really deserving a third term and a bigger parliamentary majority to deliver the progress they promised, much like President Obama deserved a second term, Mayavathi and India may have to wait a few more years for their Obama moment in national leadership. Reach Author Shred Pillai On Google
Friday, July 12, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Can The Kiss Cam Make The Olympics 2012 Games in London More Romantic?
All of a sudden, the Kiss Cam has become the best idea to come out of the United States since Coca Cola. By sealing with a kiss for the first lady on the Kiss Cam in Washington D.C., President Obama has finally approved it for release to the world.
The Kiss Cam has become the romantic idea of the 21st century much like the Valentine's Day and the Mistletoe which have come to signify special moments of expression of love and romance in human life. These wonderful social concepts, adapted from centuries old traditions not only let people express their feelings freely and in public but also render such genuine human behaviour socially acceptable.
If no one outside the U S had ever heard of the Kiss Cam before, now the media is abuzz with the news and debate about the presidential Kiss projected on the giant jumbotron at the Verizon Center during a friendly Basketball match.
In an election year everything about the U S president and the presidential candidates can be under intense scrutiny. So the debate about the Presidential Kiss Cam Kiss has attracted intense media interest in the US and abroad. The event has also brought the American Kiss Cam form of entertainment to the world's attention. It is only a matter of time before the Kiss Cam gets the same enthusiastic attention around the world.
In fact the Presidential Kiss has even demonstrated the power of this new social phenomenon by expressing disapproval of the behaviour of even a U S president intuitively and openly by booing and persuading him to comply with common expectations of social and finer human values expected of a leader.
Since its introduction in the US way back in 1982, the Kiss Cam has evolved much with different stadiums and operators establishing their own norms and best operating practices to avoid hurting people. But in a country known for its dry sense of humour and sportsmanship, no one has seriously objected to the simple entertainment and joy of Kiss Cam which millions of people now take for granted.
As per a report in The Bladder in fact Kiss Cam is already going to the 'next level' in the U S.
"But Frederico de Mayo, head of the advertising agency that developed the concept, said this was just the start for 'Kiss Cam'.What about the right to privacy and violation of human rights by projecting unsuspecting spectators on the screen which implies them to engage in a kiss? According to experts:
"Everyone who has seen it knows how it works," he said. "Before the game we have 'Smile Cam', where we get people in the crowd to smile at each other for the cameras.
"At quarter time we look for people to hug ¬ that's 'Hug Cam'. At half time we look for people to kiss. Smile-Hug-Kiss. Pretty obviously there is a natural progression there.
"Three quarter time is a natural window there waiting to be filled. And we hope to fill it soon with 'Shag Cam'. That will really get the crowd going."
Mr de Mayo said their exhaustive research had shown that fans got easily bored before, during and after footy games, so they needed to be entertained, preferably as noisily as possible."
"You have to be careful when you do the Kiss Cam,", "it's kind of a dangerous feature."Apparently even President Obama and his wife were unaware of the Kiss Cam etiquette until they were appraised by their daughter who accompanied them to the game.
Will it be a feature of the Olympics 2012 games in London? Though well prepared with an array of high tech equipment and features to capture every moment of the games and project on giant screens, The BBC has not yet declared that the thousands of spectators will be offered the wonderful new fun of Kiss Cam. There is of course still time for them to take note and catch up with the new century.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Posted by Unknown
What On Web Has Changed For President Obama This Election?
Twitter is no longer enough
to win an election.
Move over Google,
Twitter and Facebook. Enter WiseWindow, Arktan and Percolate. Search, tweet and like are out. Sentiment analysis, taxonomy, social
stream, passive curation and second screen conversation, are a
few of the new buzzwords President Obama and anyone else aspiring to win the US election needs to master in a hurry!
These innovative
technologies, with amazing data collection, filtering, analysis, curation and
interaction capabilities, can tell what people are thinking right now and their
intentions before they become action, enabling you to curate and chose what you tell them
and how you interact with them so that you can shape the world and the market
place the way you need, all in real time. That is why who wins the next US election is going to badly need them!
which specialise in sentiment analysis, is in fact ahead of the presidential
candidates. Partnering with The Daily Beast (now a part of Newsweek), they have
created the "Election Oracle," which scans 40,000 social media sites,
listening to millions of daily comments, and creating a 10-day moving average
that is mixed with traditional polls to create their predictions.
Apart from President Obama and
artists like Lady Gaga who has a fan base of about 20
million, who will need these new, mind boggling technology products of branding
and influencing human race? Well, in the words of WiseWindow, anyone with
management responsibility that belongs to the C-suite:
• CEO - Chief,
•COO - Go-to-Guy
• CIO - No.1 Nerd
•CMO - Brand Boss
• CFO - Money Mogul
• Consumer Researchers
• Customer Support Personnel
• Common people, that's you and everyone else!
• CIO - No.1 Nerd
• CFO - Money Mogul
• Consumer Researchers
• Customer Support Personnel
• Common people, that's you and everyone else!
In reality you, the consumer, are most benefited by the new
collective power derived from the application of these technologies, to
influence like never before in the history, what the media, politicians,
entertainers and the Industry at large will deliver.
Any organization, politician or brand aiming to stay ahead of the market and fickle
consumers and supporters, whose tastes change seemingly overnight, will need to
heed to this collective power, which is already flexing its muscle in the media
and entertainment industry.
Reuters recently launched 'Social Pulse', a new social media hub designed to show you the
most talked-about news, companies and influencers across the Web, which
features, with technology and service provided by WiseWindow, a revolutionary
stock sentiment module, based on opinions from hundreds of thousands of sources
captured and curated, clearly demonstrating the predictive abilities offered by
the technology.
Using Percolate, Reuters has created
Counterparties, a way to build more engagement with two of their finest
journalists, Felix Salmon and Ryan McCarthy. A combination of algorithmic
filtering of most interesting content which they react to allows an audience to
follow along and engage with these editors all day.
Universal Music Group, who
manage Mindless Behavior, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Dr.Dre, Justin Bieber, and
their official websites is using Arktan's Life stream to deliver aggregated and
curated content on the official websites of the artists. With the ability to
add comments and reply to posts, the social influence of the artist sites has
grown dramatically.
WiseWindow, a sentiment analysis/measuring company, turns the chaos
of online chatter, what people are saying online now in blogs, tweets, status
updates, and reviews, in to a database which illuminates consumer sentiment
across hundreds of dimensions and then provide a stream of consumer sentiment
and intention data that can be integrated with business intelligence systems so
that organizations can become more agile and responsive.
Arktan on the other hand is
primarily about building "interactive" curated social experiences.
Arktan provides very deep interaction capabilities, like the ones on the
websites of Lady Gaga, with the ability to respond to comments, likes,
social sharing, aggregated conversation, etc in real time. These much richer
curation capabilities, which give brands the control they want and sentiment
analysis capabilities including Natural Language Processing as well as
analytics, set Arktan's technology apart from passive curation tools.
Percolate which is
primarily about letting a brand build passive curation experiences, scrapes
five million sources daily, turning a brand's strategy into the interest engine
and using proprietary algorithms to sort and bubble up only the most relevant
and interesting content for a brand editor to comment on and publish to social
platforms and websites.
If you are excited and want
to have a quick look at how these breaking technologies can affect you, check
out TweetSentiments.com which provides Sentiment
Analysis on tweets using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies
and Storify where
you can have a go at curation and create your own article with content from the
Article first published as How
Has the Web Technologies Changed for President Obama This Election? on
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Posted by Unknown
What On Web Will President Obama Need To Win The Next Election?
Move over Google, Twitter and Facebook. EnterWiseWindow, Arktan, Percolate and Klout. Search, tweet and like are out. Sentiment analysis, taxonomy, social stream, passive curation, second screen conversation, are a few of the new buzzwords President Obama and anyone else aspiring to win the US election needs to master in a hurry.
Whoever wins the election, one thing the 45th US president can be sure about is the unprecedented power the country has gained to shape the future of the world, thanks to the internet giants and new technologies of upstarts like WiseWindow and Arktan.
These innovative technologies, with amazing data collection, filtering, analysis, curation and interaction capabilities, can tell you what people are thinking right now and their intentions before they become action, enabling you to curate and chose what you tell them and how you interact with them so that you can shape the world and the market place the way you need, all in real time. That is also why who wins the next US election is also crucial to the world than ever!
"You can think of social media as a hole that has opened into the collective consciousness and we're tapping into it." Sid Mohasseb, CEO WiseWindow
Apart from President Obama and artists like Lady Gaga who has a fan base of about 20 million, who will need these new, mind boggling technology products of branding and influencing human race? Well, in the words of WiseWindow, anyone with management responsibility that belongs to the C-suite:
• CEO - Chief, Chief
• COO - Go-to-Guy
• CIO - No.1 Nerd
• CMO - Brand Boss
• CFO - Money Mogul
• Consumer Researchers
• Customer Support Personnel
• Common people, that's you and everyone else!
In reality you, the consumer, are most benefited by the new collective power derived from the application of these technologies, to influence like never before in the history, what the media, politicians, entertainers and the Industry at large will deliver. Any organization aiming to stay ahead of the market and fickle consumers, whose tastes change seemingly overnight, will need to heed to this collective power, which is already flexing its muscle in the media and entertainment industry.
Reuters recently launched 'Social Pulse', a new social media hub designed to show you the most talked-about news, companies and influencers across the Web, which features,with technology and service provided by WiseWindow, a revolutionary stock sentiment module, based on opinions from hundreds of thousands of sources captured and curated, clearly demonstrating the predictive abilities offered by the technology.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Elections 2012,
Lady Gaga,
Social Web,
Has Obama got a secret weapon for the Chinese?
There had been recent reports of Facebook loosing a bit of its sheen.
CNN reported on recent signs of 'Facebook Fatigue' and another interesting story about it being ripe for some imminent disaster. There were also reports about alternative and upcoming social media sites like Tumblr which could soon replace Facebook.
Despite the recent drop out of about six million Facebook users in the US, I guess all this talk of Facebook’s loss of face has to do with its valuation of over a hundred billion dollars, based on a membership of over six hundred million users.
The reality is, with the world population approaching seven billion by 2011, the tsunami of Facebook is only in the making!
At the heart of its powerful social impact on the world, which can only be likened to a tsunami, are factors which the inventors of this social media site wouldn’t have been even aware.
Is jupiter Really a Planet of Fortune?
Article first published as Is jupiter Really a Planet of Fortune? on Technorati.
Now before you post your birth data and questions about your fortune, let me tell you this. I am not an astrologer. Even more important, I know nothing about western astrology. Then what am I writing here? Consider these events for a moment.
• Tsunami in Japan
• Death of Osama Bin Laden
• Jasmine revolution
• Arab spring
• BP oil spill
• Strauss Kahn affair
They all represent colossal losses in fortune! One way or the other these events have caused losses of wealth, fortunes of political establishment, and heads of movements and states in a way unheard in living memory.
All of them have happened in the span of a few months!
Unusual combination of stars depicted in this chart raise interesting questions not just for astrologers.
Now where is Jupiter in all of this? Whether they are total believers in astrology or not, a lot of people believe Jupiter has something to do with your fortune.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Posted by Unknown
President Obama And The Power Of Lord Hanuman.
Before the presidential elections of 2008, there was an interesting piece of news in wide circulation about President Obama. It was about a lucky charm he carried with him all his life,
Is was a small replica of Lord Hanuman, a powerful God from the Hindu epics of India, who is depicted to have a body which is a combination of a human and of a monkey. Now, this type of representation of God is very common in the Hindu mythology and is not unknown in other cultures. But what made it to the news was that a candidate for the US presidency had it with him for good luck.

As history has proved it, LUCK in abundance was what he had in the 2008 US Presidential elections!
But we don't know if President Obama knew it or anyone near to him was aware of a Hindu belief that Lord Hanuman bestows victory over the enemies of those who worship him rather than just bring merely good fortune! Whether President Obama or anyone near him believed it or not, it looks like this is what really happened.
First there was the victory over his opponents in his political life during the elections, defeating, Senator McCain and Governor Sara Palin in the Presidential election.
Then more recently, he has defeated his opponent in war by annihilating Osama Bin Laden, who was his nemesis in the fight against global terrorism. What is interesting is that though it looks like a victory over one albeit the main enemy in war, it is in fact a great victory over all his enemies.
The courage and mettle the President and his team of officials and the US armed forces have shown in hunting down and finishing the face of terror from the earth in effect also have silenced his political and social enemies, at least for the time being.
Lord Hanuman seems to have the power to annihilate your enemies after all, if you believe he can!
Technorati Tags: Hanuman, Lord, luck, McCain, Obama, Palin, Power, president
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Posted by Unknown
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